Protonk / MeyerPlanes

Aeronautic Patents and Production
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request for line graph with both patents and publications #5

Open peterbenmeyer opened 11 years ago

peterbenmeyer commented 11 years ago

I'd like to be able to show a line graph with count data of different types. Most importantly, a simple one with publications-per-year and patents-per-year. Maybe clubs too, at some point. On this chart I'm not looking to distinguish languages or countries.

Protonk commented 11 years ago

Added in Protonk/MeyerPlanes@1b190e77901e4793af7d270cdfa86a730c26d8c5

It isn't general enough do do any type, but that isn't hard to add.

peterbenmeyer commented 11 years ago

I see separate PNGs for Patents and for Articles but I ask for those as two lines on one graph so people see the degree to which they are similar.

Protonk commented 11 years ago

now added to a combined chart.