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Calgary Protospace's member portal
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Charts, combine all data into one chart!? MEGACHART! #133

Open VE6AFT opened 9 months ago

VE6AFT commented 9 months ago currently presents visitors a variety of views to interpret membership data. Would jamming all of the line charts that share a Y axis onto one MEGACHART be a more complete way of looking at memberships? Let's try!


Ends up quite busy, difficult to see space between lines. Going from four charts to one may free up some horizontal space on the page, so making the graph taller should make it more readable. Here's a terrible approximation of that:


Lots of chart settings to play with at this point, eg. starting the Y axis at a higher but still useful value, freeing up even more horizontal space:


This chart does a good job of showing how Member Count moves with Green Count and PayPal Subscriber Count, the lag of Six Month+ members, etc, and I have the utmost confidence that a chart-twiddler can make this far more readable than some stretched screenshots.

For added bonus, consider adding the Retention bars as well. This may require a separate Y axis, along the right hand side?


Thoughts? Ideas? Chart-induced violent outbursts?

frollard commented 9 months ago

if the charting widget supports it, having all the metrics on (un)tickable boxes would make for good customization of the amount of chaff we want. Also, ability to change not just the date frame, but subsets of 'members who signed up during x period' to track that subset through time. Do 'january' members last longer, etc. Adding NMO query in addition to vetting query could be a useful metric - those who got nmo right away tend to stay. Genuinely...why do ...1/4 to 1/2 of members never get vetted? Do they forget, do they not bother? Is the vetting procedure too onerous? What is the pain point that we could nudge?

Could be insightful to see 'number of paused members' - but the portal only tracks the date they were paused , which I think happens 3 months after no payments or immediately upon pausing the membership - and not which action took place between the two.