Provismet / Provi-Origins

Provi's custom Origins.
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Lily of the Void naturalRegeneration gamerule #3

Closed MelodyMcKenna closed 10 months ago

MelodyMcKenna commented 10 months ago

Type of Error

Incorrect Behaviour


The Lily of the Void Origin will naturally regenerate health while at full hunger regardless of the naturalRegeneration gamerule setting.

The naturalRegeneration gamerule applies to the other five Origins in this mod.

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


Steps to Reproduce

Minecraft Version 1.20.1 (version 1.19.4 was the only option above)

-Choose Lily of the Void for your Origin
-Use /gamerule naturalRegeneration False
-Player will still regenerate health while at full hunger.

Crash Log

No crash log
Provismet commented 10 months ago

I can have a fix for this ready for the next release (about a week's time, possibly less).

The issue lies in the proviorigins:voidlily/fix_regen power - which was intended to prevent natural regen from being overpowered from the saturation effect.

If your world/server is designed to turn off natural regen entirely, then removing that power would work as a stopgap solution.

For this you can either use the command /power remove @a proviorigins:voidlily/fix_regen on a regular interval.
Or create a datapack with the following file structure to override the existing origin:

-| data
----| proviorigins
-------| origins
-----------| lily_of_the_void.json

For the new Lily of the Void json, simply paste in this:

    "powers": [
    "icon": "proviorigins:lily_of_the_void_icon",
    "impact": 3,
    "name": "",
    "description": "power.proviorigins.voidlily.description",
    "loading_priority": 1