ProxymanApp / Proxyman

Modern. Native. Delightful Web Debugging Proxy for macOS, iOS, and Android ⚡️
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Long numbers in json truncated till 12s sign #1958

Open VolodymyrPavlyshenOnseo opened 3 months ago

VolodymyrPavlyshenOnseo commented 3 months ago

Hello there, I a have an issues with numbers in requests displaying (and sending in proxy) , my work require exact accuracy, so numbers need to be calculated till the last sign (sometimes it is 25 or 30 signs) as I can see proxy round it till 11 or 12s sign, is it expected/ limitation or a bug? For example proxyman displays 77.52551806700806 in request same time as it should be 77.52551806700806505198504

NghiaTranUIT commented 3 months ago

Can you show me the screenshot @VolodymyrPavlyshenOnseo

and may I ask If you're using any debugging tools ? (Map Local, Breakpoint or Scripting) 🤔

VolodymyrPavlyshenOnseo commented 3 months ago

none of them, also tried same request on Charles, works fine What screenshot do you need?

NghiaTranUIT commented 3 months ago

if you're using the Body or Raw Tab, it will show exactly how the JSON is. It doesn't modify it.

If we use JSON TreeView, it might be a case because it converts to NSDictionary to perform the JSON View.

Which tab do you use?

NghiaTranUIT commented 3 months ago

Or share with me the cURL, you can put your 12-digit number as a JSON body, and share it with me. I'd like to reproduce it

VolodymyrPavlyshenOnseo commented 3 months ago

ah I can see, in Body tab it is truncated in tree - rounded, but in raw it is fully correct, thank you