ProxymanApp / Proxyman

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Session v2 file format #2031

Open wabiloo opened 1 month ago

wabiloo commented 1 month ago


Is there any documentation anywhere I could find that describes the proxymansessionv2 files and how to use them? I have a need to run an external process on captured sessions.

As an example, I need to find (from the recorded session) all the requests matching a particular path and/or query parameter, and export the corresponding responses' body into files.

I could export to .HAR first, but I think that the content of the proxymansessionv2 file is vastly superior, so I'd rather work with that if possible.


NghiaTranUIT commented 1 month ago

@wabiloo it's a really simple format. You can:

  1. Rename it the zip
  2. Unzip it
  3. It's a folder with a bunch of JSON requests.

You can do an external process by reading each request in the JSON Request to get the Path, Query, ...