ProxymanApp / Proxyman

Modern. Native. Delightful Web Debugging Proxy for macOS, iOS, and Android ⚡️
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Why I cannot see OPTIONS requests in the list? #2063

Closed sandrodz closed 5 days ago

sandrodz commented 1 week ago

I expect OPTIONS requests to appear in the proxyman results.

This is to look at preflight requests from the browser. But non appear.

Is this a bug or a feature?

NghiaTranUIT commented 1 week ago

Basically, Proxyman will capture and decrypt OPTIONS requests (via HTTPS).

CleanShot 2024-06-22 at 09 03 08@2x

May I ask:

  1. Do you can see other HTTPS (after the OPTIONS preflight) Requests/Responses? (To verify that you have installed & trust the certificate on your Mac, and enable SSL Proxying on your domain)
  2. Do you see your OPTIONS request on the Google Chrome Network Tab? When I tested, all OPTIONS requests weren't called because they hit the cache. If I do "Empty Cache & Hard Reload", it will show in Proxyman and Chrome Network Tab (Other Tab)
sandrodz commented 5 days ago

You are absolutely right. It was the cache issue.
