ProxymanApp / Proxyman

Modern. Native. Delightful Web Debugging Proxy for macOS, iOS, and Android ⚡️
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Propose documentation updated regarding Chrome settings when using `proxyman.debug` domain #2064

Open ramiroaraujo opened 3 days ago

ramiroaraujo commented 3 days ago


Didn't know where to file this, it's not a bug, but it's a missing documentation info that was hard for me to figure out. When modifying /etc/hosts to resolve proxyman.debug to as indicated here Proxyman can show traffic as expected but for example Chrome marks this site as "Not secure" in a different way that when using localhost, and it disallows you to grant permissions such as Location, Camera, Microphone and others. Same when using

The solution for this, in cases where it might be needed, is to go to chrome://flags/, search for the setting #unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure, enable it, set the URL with domain and ports separated by commas such as http://proxyman.debug:3000,http://proxyman.debug:3001 and re-launch Chrome.

NghiaTranUIT commented 3 days ago

Chrome marks this site as "Not secure" in a different way that when using localhost

It's expected behavior because it's HTTP, not HTTPS http://proxyman.debug:3000.

it disallows you to grant permissions such as Location, Camera, Microphone and others.

Thanks for letting me know, I guess it's Chrome Security, which only enables it on HTTPS or Production Mode.

The solution for this, in cases where it might be needed, is to go to chrome://flags/, search for the setting #unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure, enable it, set the URL with domain and ports separated by commas such as http://proxyman.debug:3000,http://proxyman.debug:3001 and re-launch Chrome.

Thanks. I will add your update to the Docs 👍