ProxymanApp / Proxyman

Modern. Native. Delightful Web Debugging Proxy for macOS, iOS, and Android ⚡️
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Support for colorblind #2185

Open lebojo opened 2 weeks ago

lebojo commented 2 weeks ago


As a color blind person, I don't really see the difference between processes that succeeded and those that failed... I think that the possibility of changing the color dot of the request result would be a good feature

Why this feature/change is important?

Currently, I have to click on each request to know if it failed or not, it's really disabling. I think the change should not be too complicated and could really change my life, and that of many other colorblind people

NghiaTranUIT commented 2 weeks ago

May I ask if you're using the color blind accessibility in your OS system?

From what I remember, I use dynamic system color (green, red, ...). So if color blind is enabled in the OS, it should change the color in Proxyman too

lebojo commented 2 weeks ago

I don't use it because it's change even the pictures colors, wich is a bit too much ahahahah. I cannot set it for this app only...

I think it'll be great to have the posibilities to change the theme further than only the OS light/dark also...

(But for now thank you, I didn't thinked about it)