Prozi / detect-collisions

Detect collisions between different shapes such as Points, Lines, Boxes, Polygons (including concave), Ellipses, and Circles. Features include RayCasting and support for offsets, rotation, scaling, bounding box padding, with options for static and trigger bodies (non-colliding).
MIT License
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Usage in browser? #73

Closed rev111 closed 3 months ago

rev111 commented 5 months ago

Would like to do a little testing in the browser before trying it in a node backend. My attempts are unsuccessful.

<script src="node_modules/detect-collisions/dist/system.js"></script>
<script src="detect.js"></script>


const system = new System();
const box1 = system.createBox(100,100, 100, 100, {});

console output:

system.js:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined
    at system.js:2:23
detect.js:3 detect!
detect.js:5 Uncaught ReferenceError: System is not defined
    at detect.js:5:16

I guess I have to webpack it first - how?

Prozi commented 5 months ago

hello @rev111 I will point you to please refer to section DEMOS in README especially

the simplest way to go is from here -> (quick start reactjs + detect-collisions library)

Prozi commented 5 months ago

also, you don't have to webpack

this is your example fixed:


<script src="./detect.js" type="module"></script>


const { System } = require("detect-collisions");
const system = new System();
const box1 = system.createBox(100,100, 100, 100, {});

or replace first line with

import { System } from "detect-collisions";
  1. this is basic javascript 🙈
  2. in your detect.js you don't have any reference to System
  3. don't import other files than dist/index.js
  4. don't import in html files from node_modules
rev111 commented 5 months ago

Dear Prozi, thanks for the extensive reply! I think I did not explain my question well: I'm talking about even more basic javascript in the browser - as in manually creating a html file with Githubissues.

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