Prusias-kol / pLooper

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August Scepter Handling #3

Closed Ignose closed 9 months ago

Ignose commented 1 year ago


void augustScepter(string x) {
    int waffleprice = mall_price($item[waffle]) * 3;
    int balloonprice = mall_price($item[water balloon]) * 3;
    int lighthouseValue = 30000;
    int oysterprice = (mall_price($item[brilliant oyster egg]) + mall_price($item[gleaming oyster egg]) + mall_price($item[glistening oyster egg]) + mall_price($item[lustrous oyster egg])+ mall_price($item[magnificent oyster egg]) + mall_price($item[pearlescent oyster egg]) + mall_price($item[scintillating oyster egg])) * 3 / 7;
    int mountainvalue = get_property("valueOfAdventure").to_int() * 3;
    int luckyvalue = (mall_price($item[11-leaf clover])); /* assume this is true if running Yachtzee! */

    /*int today = to_int(today_to_string()) % 100;
    boolean [int] select = $ints[1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31];
    if (!get_property("_augTodayCast").to_boolean() && select contains today) {
        use_skill(today + 7451);

    if (my_inebriety() > inebriety_limit() || x.contains_text("nightcap")) {
        if (have_familiar($familiar[Left-Hand Man]))
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 13th: Left/Off Hander's Day!");
        if (get_property("_augSkillsCast").to_int() < 5) {
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 24th: Waffle Day!");
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 5th: Oyster Day!");
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 4th: Water Balloon Day!");

    if(x.contains_text("ascend")) {
        if(!get_property("_aug16Cast").to_Boolean()) {
            cli_execute("eat boris bread");
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 16th: Roller Coaster Day!");
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 7th: Lighthouse Day!");
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 24th: Waffle Day!");
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 5th: Oyster Day!");
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 4th: Water Balloon Day!");
   } else {
        if(!get_property("_aug16Cast").to_Boolean() && my_fullness().to_int() >= 1) {
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 16th: Roller Coaster Day!");
            cli_execute("cast 1 Aug. 7th: Lighthouse Day!");


Then, add to start of

void garboUsage(string x) { if (item_amount($item[August Scepter]) > 0){ if(x.contains_text("ascend")) augustScepter("ascend"); else augustScepter("CS"); }

Then, add to end of

void nightcap() {

if (item_amount($item[August Scepter]) > 0) augustScepter("nightcap");

Prusias-kol commented 9 months ago

Garbo handles most of it, off hand added