Pryaxis / Plugins

🧪☕️⚡️A list of TShock for Terraria plugins.
GNU General Public License v3.0
132 stars 35 forks source link

Suggestion: Standardize plugin stuff #11

Open moisterrific opened 4 years ago

moisterrific commented 4 years ago

Mentioned this awhile ago in Discord but it prob got lost or forgotten in the sea of messages. Basically, it would be nice to have a standardized way for plugins to behave and for documentation.

From my experience running a server for about half a year and testing & using like over a hundred plugins, the \tshock\ folder gets messy real quick, with plugin config and database clutter all over the place mixed with TShock files and logs. So it would be nice for the end user to provide a standardized way on how plugin devs should organize their files.

Preferably putting all necessary files within a folder like \tshock\PluginName to make it easier to navigate.

As for documentation, provide a standard template for plugin devs to explain their work. Kinda like how the plugins page on the old forums looked, with clear and concise headings on installation, permissions, usage, changelog, etc.

ghost commented 8 months ago

Thank you @moisterrific! I am tagging @hakusaro right now, they will know what to do!