Przemol / seqplots

:chart_with_upwards_trend:SeqPlots - An interactive tool for visualizing NGS signals and sequence motif densities along genomic features using average plots and heatmaps.
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ERROR: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors #35

Closed mtokuyama closed 6 years ago

mtokuyama commented 6 years ago


I'm trying to upload a bed file for a feature, but I keep getting this error: "ERROR: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors." What am I doing wrong? My bed file looks like this:

chr | start | end | name chr1 | 101499079 | 101506294 | 5983 chr1 | 101597412 | 101603403 | 5985 chr1 | 102086135 | 102092888 | 5986 chr1 | 102735637 | 102747998 | 5987 chr1 | 102833368 | 102841125 | 5988 chr1 | 103268225 | 103273353 | 5991 chr1 | 103649080 | 103655071 | 5992 chr1 | 103698053 | 103701660 | 5994 chr1 | 103743218 | 103749209 | 5993 chr1 | 104380123 | 104388639 | 5996 chr1 | 104459780 | 104468289 | 5997 chr1 | 104597438 | 104603785 | 5998 chr1 | 105109274 | 105118215 | 5999 chr1 | 108473135 | 108480383 | 6005 chr1 | 109702615 | 109710648 | 6007

Please help. Thanks! Maria

Przemol commented 6 years ago

Try to reinstall SeqPlots with following command:

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github('przemol/seqplots', build_vignettes=FALSE)

Please let me know if you still experience problems, I'll re-open this issue.