PseudoKnight / Stargate-Bukkit

Spigot plugin to create and manage networks of Stargates
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 5 forks source link

All stargates are destroyed on first run of this plugin in 1.14.4 #1

Closed runelynx closed 4 years ago

runelynx commented 4 years ago

Hiya, I'm updating from 1.13.2 to 1.14.4, and at the same time changing to your version of the Stargate plugin. Unfortunately it destroys all stargates on first load. Is there a way to avoid this?


runelynx commented 4 years ago

If I set your new config entry for verifyPortals to FALSE, the destruction does not happen and gates work correctly.

PseudoKnight commented 4 years ago

While verifyPortals is highly recommended on 1.14 due to the chunk loading it causes, this shouldn't be happening when going from 1.13 to 1.14 alone. It's also recommended to disable verifyPortals if you change your gate layouts and want to keep your old stargates. Was this the case for you?

runelynx commented 4 years ago

No I haven't touched the gate layouts in years :(

PseudoKnight commented 4 years ago

Maybe what was happening is that you were using a pre-1.13 version on 1.13.2 that was using Spigot's builtin backwards compatibility? If that's the case, when you switched to my version, which has proper 1.13+ support, you have to update your gate files to use material names, not numeric ids. If not, it'll give you error messages on startup. (eg. "Error reading plugins\Stargate\gates\nethergate.gate: portal-open is not a material")

runelynx commented 4 years ago

This is what my gate files look like image

runelynx commented 4 years ago


runelynx commented 4 years ago

I don't see materials anywhere in there, maybe that's the problem?

PseudoKnight commented 4 years ago

portal-open has a material, but not "X" and "-" characters. If this was the default configuration, those would be "OBSIDIAN".

runelynx commented 4 years ago

Oh I totally missed that image

runelynx commented 4 years ago

can you give me a sample gate config file I can use to rework mine?

runelynx commented 4 years ago

oh... I just put a material for those 2 blank = lines?

runelynx commented 4 years ago

I'm half asleep sorry ;)

PseudoKnight commented 4 years ago


PseudoKnight commented 4 years ago

But I really should make this safer for users upgrading.

runelynx commented 4 years ago

Perfect! Works great now. thank you!
