Unless you feel strongly otherwise about naming/reference conventions.
[x] “And the propagation effects upon that signal from the interstellar medium —> “and the effects of the interstellar material on the signal propagation”
[x] “They also allow users” —> “It also allows users”
Additionally, I'll echo the sentiment in #160 re: reviewing the state of the field. I believe this would be most appropriate before the last sentence of the first page of the paper (i.e., before "The end-to-end simulation...").
The submitted JOSS paper for this project looks great! Most of my suggestions are nitpicky and grammar-related:
Additionally, I'll echo the sentiment in #160 re: reviewing the state of the field. I believe this would be most appropriate before the last sentence of the first page of the paper (i.e., before "The end-to-end simulation...").
This issue is part of my JOSS review.