Psy-Fer / SquiggleKit

SquiggleKit: A toolkit for manipulating nanopore signal data
MIT License
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Erreur de segmentation (core dumped) #17

Closed DelphIONe closed 4 years ago

DelphIONe commented 5 years ago


I try to use Squigglekit and after any command, I obtain the result AND this last line Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)

Example below: python3 ~/softs/SquiggleKit/ -s data.tsv --scrappie_model squiggle_r94 -i test_recherche_motif_1b.fasta > output_recherce_fin_1b_sans_signal

Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)

Can I trust in these results nevertheless ? Thanks for your reply,

Psy-Fer commented 5 years ago


I think you might be one of the first to use the new version of MotifSeq.

Let me do some testing, and get back to you about the core dump.

The results should be fine. It's just not exiting correctly. I'll look into it.


DelphIONe commented 5 years ago

No problem, thanks for your reply :-)

Psy-Fer commented 5 years ago

Hmm, so I am getting the same problem with seg faults, even with just displaying the help

python3 -h

However, I don't get any seg faults with python2

This leads me to think it's a python2/3 library issue. i'll keep looking.

Psy-Fer commented 5 years ago

Hmm, when I comment out libraries one at a time, it goes away when I take out mlpy.

Time to investigate that. It's a troublesome library to begin with. I'm hoping I don't have to re-release it, but it would probably make it easier for everyone if I did. sigh...

Psy-Fer commented 5 years ago

okay! I have found a solution.

we can get rid of the manual install for python3 (still need it for python 2)

So, start of by clearing your mlpy from pip3

pip3 uninstall mlpy

run it twice just to make sure it gets everthing. depending on your system, you may have to use sudo.

Then do

pip3 install machine-learning-py

Then try again. This should remove the core dumps without any code change :)

Let me know how that goes.

DelphIONe commented 5 years ago


I obtain with sudo pip3 uninstall mlpy ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'mlpy'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.

Psy-Fer commented 5 years ago

Hello. Could you help me out by providing me with the following info?

How did you install mlpy the first time? Which Operating system are you on? What does your pip3 freeze say?

The instructions above are more for the general use, to be modified based on individual environment and circumstance. But I'm happy to help you get to the bottom of this problem, as your questions has already lead to an improvement in the kit.


DelphIONe commented 5 years ago


Sorry, I don't remember how I installed mlpy... I'm working on Ubuntu 16.04. pip3 freeze output: asn1crypto==0.24.0 attrs==19.1.0 Automat==0.7.0 cffi==1.12.3 chardet==2.3.0 command-not-found==0.3 constantly==15.1.0 cryptography==2.7 cssselect==1.0.3 cycler==0.10.0 decorator==4.4.0 h5py==2.6.0 hyperlink==19.0.0 idna==2.8 incremental==17.5.0 kiwisolver==1.1.0 language-selector==0.1 lxml==4.3.4 matplotlib==3.0.3 mlpy==3.5.0 networkx==2.3 numpy==1.16.4 ont-albacore==2.3.3 ont-fast5-api==0.3.3 parsel==1.5.1 porechop==0.2.4 progressbar==2.3 pyasn1==0.4.5 pyasn1-modules==0.2.5 pycparser==2.19 pycurl==7.43.0 PyDispatcher==2.0.5 pygobject==3.20.0 PyHamcrest==1.9.0 pyOpenSSL==19.0.0 pyparsing==2.4.0 pysam==0.15.2 python-apt==1.1.0b1 python-dateutil==2.4.2 python-debian==0.1.27 python-systemd==231 queuelib==1.5.0 requests==2.9.1 scipy==1.3.0 scrappie==1.4.2 Scrapy==1.6.0 service-identity==18.1.0 six==1.10.0 ssh-import-id==5.5 svim==1.0.0 Twisted==19.2.1 ufw==0.35 unattended-upgrades==0.1 unicycler==0.4.3 urllib3==1.13.1 w3lib==1.20.0 zope.interface==4.6.0

I hope that helps you...

Psy-Fer commented 5 years ago


Perhaps your solution can be found here

This is assuming you installed using something like python3 install in the mlpy download folder. Then you should be able to go about installing the new version with pip3

Psy-Fer commented 5 years ago

Hello @DelphIONe

How did you go with this? have you been able to fix the problem?

Regards, James.