Psychoanalytic-Electronic-Publishing / PEP-Web-User-Interface

Single Page App Graphical User Interface for PEP-Web
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Beta 2 Open Requirement Discussion - Alan/Neil #484

Open nrshapiro opened 3 years ago

nrshapiro commented 3 years ago

1) Refine area

2) General App Requirements 2.1.2

The following requirements were not yet met, they require discussion today or tomorrow:

This latter item is marked release 1, but obviously, it concerns how things are done in development...not an admin side of things, so likely it could have been already handled, so we should discuss.

nrs/acd: Defer 17 till later, likely put it on download button/menu

nrs/acd: For now, decision to keep them in the codebase (where they are now)

3) Middle Pane Results and Preview

nrs: We had previously agreed that you could defer this till later. Even now, I don't see it as a problem to wait, and we can plan it out for later. (I also note it says Rel 1. in the spec, so wasn't yet due.) One issue with this though is that RIS is listed in the pulldown, but actually downloads CSV.

acd: RIS has been fixed. It wasn't implemented so it was removed from the dropdown.

4) 2.4.2.

nrs: I think these are all "separate"...confirm, and color theme edit/install requirements?

acd: they are separate, we don't let admins edit them as a design choice.

5) 2.1.2 Color Themes

I think these should have all been pretty readily doable. We should discuss why they weren't.

acd - We can do d pretty quickly but I think the names of the themes are pretty descriptive. 12 was intentionally left out as it's more complicated and there's a lot to consider when doing a new theme.

6) 2.6.3 Preferences

nrs: I presume this is just not done because it's Rel.1

acd: basic wcag is covered

nrs: Isn't this already implemented as described?

acd: this is done

nrs: The first part of this is done. It's the ability to mark some that will always be included is not done. But it's for Rel.1

I presume this is just not done because it's Rel.1 (Not a very important one. It was put in because it seemed easy and many systems allow for a profile based icon. We could probably just drop this.

7) 2.2.1 Feedback and Error

nrs: Both are done. Marked.

8) 2.1.2 Accessibility/WCAG

nrs: some are clearly done. Confirm and discuss acd: we only implemented keyboard shortcuts from We can add more if you'd like

nrs: not really sure this is key to do.

acd: agreed, i don't see the value and so we should hold off

nrs: partially done at least. Confirm and discuss

acd: this is done. If there are other items we want configurable we should discuss

9) 2.7 Admin

nrs: added the detail here, missing on plan.
acd: the concept of a moderator doesn't exist in PADS. If that gets added we can grant admin access but that's postponed for now.

nrs: No separation yet, but we don't have (a) or (d), do we? To discuss. acd: see above

10) 3.1.1 General Rules of the responsive interface (for Mobile) [Missing from Plan, all core]

  1. [x] Side panels shall hide when the screen gets too narrow
  2. [x] A representative icon or hamburger menu shall give the users control over the visibility of the side panels
  3. [ ] The info pane shall hide first
  4. [ ] The left pane (search, browse, or reading list pane) shall hide next
  5. [x] Opening the left pane shall slide the middle pane to the right so it's partly visible
  6. [x] Choosing an operation on the left pane, i.e., invoking a search, or choosing a document to read, should hide the left pane
  7. [x] Choosing an operation on the left pane, i.e., choosing a document to read, should hide the right pane

Done: #1, #2, #5,

Trying to use the site on my Google Pixel 4a (though I'm not a regular phone user), I'd have to say the site is unusable.

1) In landscape mode, it was difficult at best to see anything once I got to the article, because of the headers.
2) In portrait mode, the home page left box was so large, it took over the screen. I could however, pull out the left panel and search, but the document text, which was "default" since I was not logged in, was so large, I couldn't read it.

Perhaps the default text size for a phone needs to be smaller. But I think we'll need to rethink quite a bit on this.

I'm sure it works better on a tablet.

acd: we've done testing on mobile and it's worked well. Landscape is tricky with such low amount of vertical space. I can have qa look at a pixel 4a

nrshapiro commented 1 year ago


nrshapiro commented 1 year ago

@ocappello @davidtuckett @jordanallen-dev @SophieMBennett

As I look into the missing translations feature as I mentioned in the Monday's meeting (e.g., ANIJP-TR, ANIJP-IT, etc.) I'm realizing that while I implemented it in the server, I think I left it out of the client design spec (at least I can't find it in there browsing it quickly). The related documents infocard is used for artqual links, not origrx based links (per the DTD). However, the server returns matching origrx document data for any document in the translationset field of the documentlist item returned.

I will open a new issue to have that functionality added to the client with some thoughts on that.

(And having to go find that spec in my system was an issue too...but it's here, in my Google drive. I will find somewhere to archive it for PEP since many of the features in there were never implemented in the client due to the project overruns.
