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TOC Volume Listing (Section Heading Issue) UPDATE 2023 #716

Closed nrshapiro closed 1 year ago

nrshapiro commented 1 year ago

@SophieMBennett @davidtuckett @jordanallen-dev @ocappello @nadinelevinson

TOC Volume Listing (Section Heading Issue UPDATE...with examples for 2023 highlighting remaining issues. Part 1 of this topic can be referenced as #460 I've created a new issue because of the length of that issue and some outdated examples. Since it's continued, I will carry over the old labels and assignments.) But I will focus on any remaining problems in the client running the latest server on Stage, and any new problems.

Examples will be shown using STAGE and PROD. Both are running Client: 2022.12.23-731097003 Stage is running the latest server (candidate with linking updates): 8.6.3/2023.0221/v2.2.009 Production is still running the fully tested server: 8.6.3/2023.0110c/v2.1.206c

The Stage server has had one of the early TOC workarounds removed where duplicate section heads in the same issue were being removed. I thought this would wreak havoc on the TOCs in the client but in fact so far I can't find any negative impact in the current client. In fact, quite the opposite! Gavant had fixed the heading problem, but in part it depended on my REMOVING the workaround I had originally put in for them. Once all articles started coming back with headings, they RE-SORT the articles to have them under the proper headings. This looks better than having headings REPEATED. Reference: vs


Unfortunately, there are still repeat heading problems in some journal issues as shown here, but this is present both on production and stage (with and without the workaround, oddly). I presume it's a client issue but I will check further into as well. - Section heads are repeated (same on Stage and Production)


Another issue impacting the section headings is the sorting of pages that use roman numerals--they are currently sorted at the end of the issue, whereas they should be in the beginning. This also means a section heading, and in this case, an issue title, appears at the end of the issue.


As a final note, here is the issue we briefly talked about where we don't currently honor section LEVELS in the TOC (and we did before, especially important for PSU) -

nrshapiro commented 1 year ago

More examples (will add as I see them):

nrshapiro commented 1 year ago


I see you pushed to production. But in this example, the move and section heading (sorting) algorithms conflict with a bad side effect...

jordanallen-dev commented 1 year ago


I see you pushed to production. But in this example, the move and section heading (sorting) algorithms conflict with a bad side effect...



Highlights the need for unit level testing on things like sorting algorithms in the codebase

I'd imagine the sorting function is putting them first due to the leading 0 on the Document ID

Will put out a fix after our Monday meeting

ocappello commented 1 year ago

Thank you Neil & Jordan for your efforts here. I hadn't realised--though Neil helpfully pointed this out in a recent email to me--that this is a rather more complex issue to figure out than I had anticipated. I am sorry to add some urgency to it, but it is a lot more than a cosmetic issue in some instances. With reference to PSU, wrong headers interfere with the thematic unity of the volume and how articles and contributions are meant to work with each other. And this is of vital importance to any researcher finding an article but then realising that actually another text in that issue is relevant.

jordanallen-dev commented 1 year ago

Thank you Neil & Jordan for your efforts here. I hadn't realised--though Neil helpfully pointed this out in a recent email to me--that this is a rather more complex issue to figure out than I had anticipated. I am sorry to add some urgency to it, but it is a lot more than a cosmetic issue in some instances. With reference to PSU, wrong headers interfere with the thematic unity of the volume and how articles and contributions are meant to work with each other. And this is of vital importance to any researcher finding an article but then realising that actually another text in that issue is relevant.

Can you provide a link to a volume within PSU with a specific example?

I want to make sure I capture as many of the requirements for sorting as possible before I go through with another fix


nrshapiro commented 1 year ago


See #584

jordanallen-dev commented 1 year ago


I see you pushed to production. But in this example, the move and section heading (sorting) algorithms conflict with a bad side effect...


This feels like a data issue to me @nrshapiro

The Acknowledgment and Introduction sections are labelled as being part of III Applied in the data when I believe they should be TopLevel?

The reason page 1 appears under page 197 is because page 1 is actually part of TopLevel whereas 197 is part of III Applied.

As III applied includes (incorrectly, I assume) the Roman Numeral sections, it has been sorted to the top of the document and then the TopLevel (containing only page 1) follows

Moving Acknowledgement and Introduction to TopLevel in the data would resolve this issue - the sorting is working as expected from a data perspective

Alternatively, if this is correct from a data perspective, how is the ToC supposed to be formatted as I was told the Roman numeral sections should always be positioned at the top? Perhaps Roman numerals need to be sorted only within each section, not the broader ToC?

cc: @ocappello

nrshapiro commented 1 year ago


Well, sort of :)

The problem is a combination of multiple factors, and the design of the newsecnm data dating a long way back.

1) The way we encode section names, you can't tell what section a paper is in unless you look at them in ORDER. That's because we historically have had newsecnm in the XML keyed, when there was a new section name. This was not a problem in our older systems.

2) The server can't do anything beyond storing the newsecnm in Solr during load, because the documents are not necessarily all added at once, nor in order. So opasLoadSolr only records what it sees.

3) When OPAS requests request a TOC from Solr, it lets Solr sort, but, as you know, the roman numerals are not sorted correctly. Nor can they be sorted the way I told you during our call (sorry). That's because if you consider Roman numbers as part of the Arabic set, they will still get intermingled with the regular pages (I didn't think about that--roman v will go between Arabic 1 and 5). The only solution to that is to sort the roman pages separately, and then merge the two sets.

4) To put the issue to rest, I just decided that while I can't sort when loading into Solr, I can sort in the TOC get metadata contents API calls, and then assign section names properly to each instance. I just did it, as I described above, by segregating roman pages, sorting, then remerging.

5) Without the sort per 4 above, the workaround label "TOPLEVEL" I did for Gavant wasn't working properly as well.

I have the code working for a single issue, but unfortunately, whether the client uses it or not (I don't know), I have to now accommodate the same in a call for multiple issues, and multiple volumes.

Not sure how long that will take right now, but I can put up the single issue version on stage for testing in a bit. Although it comes back in sequence, and is labeled correctly, I'll paste an example below, the client doesn't seem to work correctly still, at least on my local test machine.

Here's the return from the server call, sorted properly.

  "documentList": {
    "responseInfo": {
      "count": 17,
      "limit": 200,
      "offset": 0,
      "fullCount": 19,
      "fullCountComplete": true,
      "listType": "documentlist",
      "supplementalInfo": null,
      "request": "",
      "timeStamp": "2023-03-02T16:48:27Z"
    "responseSet": [
        "documentID": "PSP.017.R0005A",
        "documentRef": "(2001) Acknowledgment. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:v",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\"></span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Acknowledgment</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">v</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.R0005A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>v</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Acknowledgment</arttitle>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<none/>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Acknowledgment",
        "authorMast": "",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "TopLevel",
        "currSectionName": "TopLevel",
        "pgCount": "1",
        "pgRg": "v",
        "pgStart": "v",
        "pgEnd": null,
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.R0013A",
        "documentRef": "Teicholz, J. G. (2001) Introduction. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:xiii-xvi",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Teicholz, J. G.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Introduction</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">xiii-xvi</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.R0013A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>xiii-xvi</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Introduction</arttitle>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Teicholz, Judith G.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Judith</nfirst> <nmid>Guss</nmid> <nlast>Teicholz</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"EDD\"/> <nbio>Faculty and Supervising Analyst, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Introduction",
        "authorMast": "Judith Guss Teicholz",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "TopLevel",
        "currSectionName": "TopLevel",
        "pgCount": "4",
        "pgRg": "xiii-xvi",
        "pgStart": "xiii",
        "pgEnd": "xvi",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0001A",
        "documentRef": "Strozier, C. B. (2001) Chapter 1 From the Kohut Archives. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:1-6",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Strozier, C. B.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 1 From the Kohut Archives</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">1-6</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0001A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>1-6</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 1 From the Kohut Archives</arttitle>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Strozier, Charles B.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Charles</nfirst> <nmid>B.</nmid> <nlast>Strozier</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"PHD\"/> <nbio>Professor of History, John Jay College and Graduate Center, CUNY; Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, TRISP.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 1 From the Kohut Archives",
        "authorMast": "Charles B. Strozier",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "TopLevel",
        "currSectionName": "TopLevel",
        "pgCount": "6",
        "pgRg": "1-6",
        "pgStart": "1",
        "pgEnd": "6",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0009A",
        "documentRef": "Teicholz, J. G. (2001) Chapter 2 The Many Meanings of Intersubjectivity and Their Implications for Analyst Self-Expression and Self-Disclosure. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:9-42",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Teicholz, J. G.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 2 The Many Meanings of Intersubjectivity and Their Implications for Analyst Self-Expression and Self-Disclosure</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">9-42</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" newsecnm=\"I Theory\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0009A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>9-42</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 2 The Many Meanings of Intersubjectivity and Their Implications for Analyst Self-Expression and Self-Disclosure</arttitle>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Teicholz, Judith G.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Judith</nfirst> <nmid>Guss</nmid> <nlast>Teicholz</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"EDD\"/> <nbio>Faculty and Supervising Analyst, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 2 The Many Meanings of Intersubjectivity and Their Implications for Analyst Self-Expression and Self-Disclosure",
        "authorMast": "Judith Guss Teicholz",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "I Theory",
        "currSectionName": "I Theory",
        "pgCount": "34",
        "pgRg": "9-42",
        "pgStart": "9",
        "pgEnd": "42",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0045A",
        "documentRef": "Fisch, J. M. (2001) The Case of Gayle and Discussions: Introduction. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:45-46",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Fisch, J. M.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">The Case of Gayle and Discussions: Introduction</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">45-46</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" newsecnm=\"II Clinical\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0045A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>45-46</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>The Case of Gayle and Discussions</arttitle>\n<artqual rx=\"PSP.017.0045\"/><artsub>Introduction</artsub>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Fisch, James M.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>James</nfirst> <nmid>M.</nmid> <nlast>Fisch</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"MD\"/> <nbio>Faculty, Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago; Training and Supervising Analyst, Israel Psychoanalytic Institute; Assistant Professor, Rush Medical College, Chicago.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "The Case of Gayle and Discussions: Introduction",
        "authorMast": "James M. Fisch",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "currSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "pgCount": "2",
        "pgRg": "45-46",
        "pgStart": "45",
        "pgEnd": "46",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0047A",
        "documentRef": "Ipp, H. R. (2001) Chapter 3 The Case of Gayle. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:47-56",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Ipp, H. R.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 3 The Case of Gayle</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">47-56</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0047A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>47-56</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 3 The Case of Gayle</arttitle>\n<artqual rx=\"PSP.017.0045\"/><artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Ipp, Hazel R.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Hazel</nfirst> <nmid>R.</nmid> <nlast>Ipp</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"PHD\"/> <nbio>Board and Faculty, Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis; Governing Board Member, International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 3 The Case of Gayle",
        "authorMast": "Hazel R. Ipp",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "currSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "pgCount": "10",
        "pgRg": "47-56",
        "pgStart": "47",
        "pgEnd": "56",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0057A",
        "documentRef": "Ringstrom, P. A. (2001) Chapter 4 Straddling Two Revolutions: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:57-63",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Ringstrom, P. A.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 4 Straddling Two Revolutions: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp&#x27;s Clinical Case</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">57-63</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0057A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>57-63</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 4 Straddling Two Revolutions</arttitle>\n<artqual rx=\"PSP.017.0045\"/><artsub>A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case</artsub>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Ringstrom, Philip A.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Philip</nfirst> <nmid>A.</nmid> <nlast>Ringstrom</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"PHD\"/> <ndeg other=\"Psy.D.\"/> <nbio>Training and Supervising Analyst, Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles, California; Member of the International Council of Self Psychologists.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 4 Straddling Two Revolutions: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case",
        "authorMast": "Philip A. Ringstrom",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "currSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "pgCount": "7",
        "pgRg": "57-63",
        "pgStart": "57",
        "pgEnd": "63",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0065A",
        "documentRef": "Doctors, S. R. (2001) Chapter 5 Clinical Notes on the Self-Psychological/Intersubjective “Contextualization of Narcissism”: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:65-71",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Doctors, S. R.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 5 Clinical Notes on the Self-Psychological/Intersubjective “Contextualization of Narcissism”: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp&#x27;s Clinical Case</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">65-71</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0065A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>65-71</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 5 Clinical Notes on the Self-Psychological/Intersubjective &#8220;Contextualization of Narcissism&#8221;</arttitle>\n<artqual rx=\"PSP.017.0045\"/><artsub>A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case</artsub>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Doctors, Shelley R.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Shelley</nfirst> <nmid>R.</nmid> <nlast>Doctors</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"PHD\"/> <nbio>Supervising Analyst and Faculty, Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity; Faculty and Supervisor, National Institute for the Psychotherapies, New York.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 5 Clinical Notes on the Self-Psychological/Intersubjective “Contextualization of Narcissism”: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case",
        "authorMast": "Shelley R. Doctors",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "currSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "pgCount": "7",
        "pgRg": "65-71",
        "pgStart": "65",
        "pgEnd": "71",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0073A",
        "documentRef": "Fisch, J. M. (2001) Chapter 6 A Self Less Divided: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:73-78",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Fisch, J. M.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 6 A Self Less Divided: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp&#x27;s Clinical Case</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">73-78</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0073A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>73-78</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 6 A Self Less Divided</arttitle>\n<artqual rx=\"PSP.017.0045\"/><artsub>A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case</artsub>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Fisch, James M.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>James</nfirst> <nmid>M.</nmid> <nlast>Fisch</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"MD\"/> <nbio>Faculty, Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago; Training and Supervising Analyst, Israel Psychoanalytic Institute; Assistant Professor, Rush Medical College, Chicago.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 6 A Self Less Divided: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case",
        "authorMast": "James M. Fisch",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "currSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "pgCount": "6",
        "pgRg": "73-78",
        "pgStart": "73",
        "pgEnd": "78",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0079A",
        "documentRef": "Knoblauch, S. H. (2001) Chapter 7 Nonverbal Implicit Dimensions of Interaction: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:79-86",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Knoblauch, S. H.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 7 Nonverbal Implicit Dimensions of Interaction: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp&#x27;s Clinical Case</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">79-86</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0079A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>79-86</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 7 Nonverbal Implicit Dimensions of Interaction</arttitle>\n<artqual rx=\"PSP.017.0045\"/><artsub>A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case</artsub>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Knoblauch, Steven H.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Steven</nfirst> <nmid>H.</nmid> <nlast>Knoblauch</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"PHD\"/> <nbio>Supervising Analyst and Faculty, Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity; and Board Member, Association of Autonomous Psychoanalytic Institutes, New York.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 7 Nonverbal Implicit Dimensions of Interaction: A Discussion of Hazel Ipp's Clinical Case",
        "authorMast": "Steven H. Knoblauch",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "currSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "pgCount": "8",
        "pgRg": "79-86",
        "pgStart": "79",
        "pgEnd": "86",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0087A",
        "documentRef": "Ipp, H. R. (2001) Chapter 8 Reply to the Discussions. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:87-90",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Ipp, H. R.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 8 Reply to the Discussions</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">87-90</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"COM\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0087A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>87-90</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 8 Reply to the Discussions</arttitle>\n<artqual rx=\"PSP.017.0045\"/><artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Ipp, Hazel R.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Hazel</nfirst> <nmid>R.</nmid> <nlast>Ipp</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"PHD\"/> <nbio>Board and Faculty, Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis; Governing Board Member, International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 8 Reply to the Discussions",
        "authorMast": "Hazel R. Ipp",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "II Clinical",
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        "pgStart": "87",
        "pgEnd": "90",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0091A",
        "documentRef": "Brownlow, A. (2001) Chapter 9 The Fear of Intimacy: The Clinical Application of Three Developmental Theories, Attachment, Motivational Systems, and Intersubjectivity. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:91-112",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Brownlow, A.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 9 The Fear of Intimacy: The Clinical Application of Three Developmental Theories, Attachment, Motivational Systems, and Intersubjectivity</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">91-112</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0091A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>91-112</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 9 The Fear of Intimacy</arttitle>\n<artsub>The Clinical Application of Three Developmental Theories, Attachment, Motivational Systems, and Intersubjectivity</artsub>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Brownlow, Allison\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Allison</nfirst> <nlast>Brownlow</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"PHD\"/> <nbio>Assistant Clinical Professor, Yale School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, New Haven, Connecticut; and in private practice, New Haven, Connecticut.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 9 The Fear of Intimacy: The Clinical Application of Three Developmental Theories, Attachment, Motivational Systems, and Intersubjectivity",
        "authorMast": "Allison Brownlow",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
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        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0113A",
        "documentRef": "Garfield, D. A. (2001) Chapter 10 The Use of Vitality Affects in the Coalescence of Self in Psychosis. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:113-128",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Garfield, D. A.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 10 The Use of Vitality Affects in the Coalescence of Self in Psychosis</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">113-128</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0113A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>113-128</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 10 The Use of Vitality Affects in the Coalescence of Self in Psychosis</arttitle>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Garfield, David A.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>David</nfirst> <nmid>A. S.</nmid> <nlast>Garfield</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"MD\"/> <nbio>Professor of Psychiatry, FUHS/The Chicago Medical School; Director, Outpatient PTSD Program, North Chicago VA Medical Center; Candidate, Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 10 The Use of Vitality Affects in the Coalescence of Self in Psychosis",
        "authorMast": "David A. S. Garfield",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "currSectionName": "II Clinical",
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        "pgRg": "113-128",
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        "pgEnd": "128",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0129A",
        "documentRef": "Siegel, A. M. & Siegel, R. N. (2001) Chapter 11 Adoption and the Enduring Fantasy of an Idealized Other. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:129-147",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Siegel, A. M. &amp; Siegel, R. N.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 11 Adoption and the Enduring Fantasy of an Idealized Other</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">129-147</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0129A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>129-147</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 11 Adoption and the Enduring Fantasy of an Idealized Other</arttitle>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Siegel, Allen M.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Allen</nfirst> <nmid>M.</nmid> <nlast>Siegel</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"MD\"/> <nbio>Faculty, Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Rush College of Medicine.</nbio></aut>\n<aut authindexid=\"Siegel, Renee N.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Renee</nfirst> <nmid>N.</nmid> <nlast>Siegel</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"MA\"/> <nbio>Faculty, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Program, Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago; private practice.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 11 Adoption and the Enduring Fantasy of an Idealized Other",
        "authorMast": "Allen M. Siegel and  Renee N. Siegel",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "II Clinical",
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        "pgEnd": "147",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0149A",
        "documentRef": "Fisher, S. M. (2001) Chapter 12 Discussion of Siegel and Siegel's “Adoption and the Enduring Fantasy of an Idealized Other”. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:149-156",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Fisher, S. M.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 12 Discussion of Siegel and Siegel&#x27;s “Adoption and the Enduring Fantasy of an Idealized Other”</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">149-156</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0149A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>149-156</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 12 Discussion of Siegel and Siegel's &#8220;Adoption and the Enduring Fantasy of an Idealized Other&#8221;</arttitle>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Fisher, Susan M.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Susan</nfirst> <nmid>M.</nmid> <nlast>Fisher</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"MD\"/> <nbio>Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and the Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago; Faculty, Training and Supervising Analyst, Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 12 Discussion of Siegel and Siegel's “Adoption and the Enduring Fantasy of an Idealized Other”",
        "authorMast": "Susan M. Fisher",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "currSectionName": "II Clinical",
        "pgCount": "8",
        "pgRg": "149-156",
        "pgStart": "149",
        "pgEnd": "156",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0159A",
        "documentRef": "Lachmann, A. (2001) Chapter 13 The Theme of Cuckoldry in Othello. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:159-165",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Lachmann, A.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 13 The Theme of Cuckoldry in Othello</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">159-165</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" newsecnm=\"III Applied\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0159A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>159-165</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 13 The Theme of Cuckoldry in <i>Othello</i></arttitle>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Lachmann, Annette\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Annette</nfirst> <nlast>Lachmann</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"MA\"/> <nbio>Faculty, Borough of Manhattan Community College and John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 13 The Theme of Cuckoldry in Othello",
        "authorMast": "Annette Lachmann",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "III Applied",
        "currSectionName": "III Applied",
        "pgCount": "7",
        "pgRg": "159-165",
        "pgStart": "159",
        "pgEnd": "165",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0167A",
        "documentRef": "Lachmann, F. M. (2001) Chapter 14 Words and Music. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:167-178",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Lachmann, F. M.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 14 Words and Music</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">167-178</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0167A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>167-178</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 14 Words and Music</arttitle>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Lachmann, Frank M.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Frank</nfirst> <nmid>M.</nmid> <nlast>Lachmann</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"PHD\"/> <nbio>Founding Faculty, Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity; Clinical Associate Professor, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 14 Words and Music",
        "authorMast": "Frank M. Lachmann",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "III Applied",
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        "pgRg": "167-178",
        "pgStart": "167",
        "pgEnd": "178",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0179A",
        "documentRef": "Rector, L. J. (2001) Chapter 15 Mystical Experience as an Expression of the Idealizing Selfobject Need. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:179-195",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Rector, L. J.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 15 Mystical Experience as an Expression of the Idealizing Selfobject Need</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">179-195</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0179A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>179-195</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 15 Mystical Experience as an Expression of the Idealizing Selfobject Need</arttitle>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Rector, Lallene J.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Lallene</nfirst> <nmid>J.</nmid> <nlast>Rector</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"PHD\"/> <nbio>Associate Professor of Psychology of Religion, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, Illinois; and an Advanced Candidate, Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 15 Mystical Experience as an Expression of the Idealizing Selfobject Need",
        "authorMast": "Lallene J. Rector",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "III Applied",
        "currSectionName": "III Applied",
        "pgCount": "17",
        "pgRg": "179-195",
        "pgStart": "179",
        "pgEnd": "195",
        "score": null
        "documentID": "PSP.017.0197A",
        "documentRef": "Silverstein, M. L. (2001) Chapter 16 Selfobject Functions, Self States, and Intimate Forms of Musical Composition: Influences from Literary Texts on the Art Song. Progress in Self-Psychology 17:197-219",
        "documentRefHTML": "<p class=\"citeas\"><span class=\"authors\">Silverstein, M. L.</span> (<span class=\"year\">2001</span>) <span class=\"title\">Chapter 16 Selfobject Functions, Self States, and Intimate Forms of Musical Composition: Influences from Literary Texts on the Art Song</span>. <span class=\"sourcetitle\">Progress in Self-Psychology</span> <span class=\"vol\">17</span>:<span class=\"pgrg\">197-219</span></p>",
        "documentInfoXML": "<artinfo arttype=\"ART\" j=\"PSP\" ISSN=\"0893-5483\" id=\"PSP.017.0197A\">\n<artyear>2001</artyear>\n<artvol actual=\"17\">17</artvol>\n<artpgrg>197-219</artpgrg>\n<arttitle>Chapter 16 Selfobject Functions, Self States, and Intimate Forms of Musical Composition</arttitle>\n<artsub>Influences from Literary Texts on the Art Song</artsub>\n<artauth hidden=\"false\">\n<aut authindexid=\"Silverstein, Marshall L.\" listed=\"true\" role=\"author\"><nfirst>Marshall</nfirst> <nmid>L.</nmid> <nlast>Silverstein</nlast> <ndeg dgr=\"PHD\"/> <nbio>Professor of Psychology, Long Island University, Brookville, New York.</nbio></aut>\n</artauth>\n</artinfo>\n",
        "title": "Chapter 16 Selfobject Functions, Self States, and Intimate Forms of Musical Composition: Influences from Literary Texts on the Art Song",
        "authorMast": "Marshall L. Silverstein",
        "PEPCode": "PSP",
        "sourceTitle": "Progress in Self-Psychology",
        "sourceTitleAbbr": "Progr. Self Psychol.",
        "vol": "17",
        "year": "2001",
        "issue": null,
        "issueSeqNbr": null,
        "issueTitle": null,
        "newSectionName": "III Applied",
        "currSectionName": "III Applied",
        "pgCount": "23",
        "pgRg": "197-219",
        "pgStart": "197",
        "pgEnd": "219",
        "score": null
nrshapiro commented 1 year ago


This is on stage now for testing. Both FA and PSP look good. I think you should leave your sorting in because the combination works. (Even though I don't sort the api return by issue, the client works it out for FA.)

nrshapiro commented 1 year ago

Closing until we see a reason not to! (Not yet pushed to production but that's inevitable by tomorrow.)

nrshapiro commented 1 year ago

The server has been pushed to production and this is working there.