Psycoy / MixEval

The official evaluation suite and dynamic data release for MixEval.
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[RFC] Local models, remote install and more losely dependencies #14

Open philschmid opened 2 months ago

philschmid commented 2 months ago


I was playing around with mix_eval and noticed something, which i addressed in a fork to properly use it in my setup. First as #11 also opened there are some missing which prevent remote installs with pip install git+ --upgrade. Additionally the dependencies are very hard which makes it harder to integrate in existing environments.

I created a fork to make usage more easier.

This is a fork of the original MixEval repository. The original repository can be found here. I created this fork to make the integration and use of MixEval easier during the training of new models. This Fork includes several improved feature to make usages easier and more flexible. Including:

Getting started

# Fork with more losely dependencies
pip install git+ --upgrade

_Note: If you want to evaluate models that are not included Take a look here. Zephyr example here._

Evaluation open LLMs

Remote Hugging Face model with existing config:

# MODEL_PARSER_API=<your openai api key
MODEL_PARSER_API=$(echo $OPENAI_API_KEY) python -m mix_eval.evaluate \
    --data_path hf://zeitgeist-ai/mixeval \
    --model_name zephyr_7b_beta \
    --benchmark mixeval_hard \
    --version 2024-06-01 \
    --batch_size 20 \
    --output_dir results \
    --api_parallel_num 20

Using vLLM/TGI with hosted or local API:

  1. start you environment

    python -m vllm.entrypoints.openai.api_server --model alignment-handbook/zephyr-7b-dpo-full
  2. run the following command

MODEL_PARSER_API=$(echo $OPENAI_API_KEY) API_URL=http://localhost:8000/v1 python -m mix_eval.evaluate \
    --data_path hf://zeitgeist-ai/mixeval \
    --model_name local_api \
    --model_path alignment-handbook/zephyr-7b-dpo-full \
    --benchmark mixeval_hard \
    --version 2024-06-01 \
    --batch_size 20 \
    --output_dir results \
    --api_parallel_num 20
  1. Results
| Metric                      | Score   |
| --------------------------- | ------- |
| MBPP                        | 100.00% |
| OpenBookQA                  | 62.50%  |
| DROP                        | 47.60%  |
| BBH                         | 43.10%  |
| MATH                        | 38.10%  |
| PIQA                        | 37.50%  |
| TriviaQA                    | 37.30%  |
| BoolQ                       | 35.10%  |
| CommonsenseQA               | 34.00%  |
| GSM8k                       | 33.60%  |
| MMLU                        | 29.00%  |
| HellaSwag                   | 27.90%  |
| AGIEval                     | 26.80%  |
| GPQA                        | 0.00%   |
| ARC                         | 0.00%   |
| SIQA                        | 0.00%   |
| overall score (final score) | 34.85%  |

Total time: 398.0534451007843

Takes around 5 minutes to evaluate.

Local Hugging Face model from path:

# MODEL_PARSER_API=<your openai api key>
MODEL_PARSER_API=$(echo $OPENAI_API_KEY) python -m mix_eval.evaluate \
    --data_path hf://zeitgeist-ai/mixeval \
    --model_path my/local/path \
    --output_dir results/agi-5 \
    --model_name local_chat \
    --benchmark mixeval_hard \
    --version 2024-06-01 \
    --batch_size 20 \
    --api_parallel_num 20

Remote Hugging Face model without config and defaults

_Note: We use the model name local_chat to avoid the need for a config file and load it from the Hugging Face model hub._

# MODEL_PARSER_API=<your openai api key>
MODEL_PARSER_API=$(echo $OPENAI_API_KEY) python -m mix_eval.evaluate \
    --data_path hf://zeitgeist-ai/mixeval \
    --model_path alignment-handbook/zephyr-7b-sft-full \
    --output_dir results/handbook-zephyr \
    --model_name local_chat \
    --benchmark mixeval_hard \
    --version 2024-06-01 \
    --batch_size 20 \
    --api_parallel_num 20
Psycoy commented 2 months ago

Hey Philipp,

Thanks a lot for your nice commits!
To avoid breaking the original docs, I merged partial commits manually. I acknowledged your help in the last of README, thanks again!

carstendraschner commented 1 month ago

Hi @philschmid ,

Thank you for your PR, I was working on something similar ;) In inference, could it be that you missed usage of padding side as you are overwriting build tokenizer? When using local chat I have sometimes issues with empty responses which might be due to padding side unequal true. What do you think?

See in your Local Chat :)

regards and thank you for your efforts! Carsten