Psycrow101 / Blender-3D-RW-Anm-plugin

Import and export RenderWare animations (.anm) into Blender 3D
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Strange anm format #13

Closed alecss131 closed 3 months ago

alecss131 commented 3 months ago

game from ps2 renderware engine, developer Climax Action in rw anm files have 2 formats: 0x01 - uncompressed (36 bytes per frame) and 0x02 - compressed (22 bytes per frame) but i have format with id 0x0311, data split on two parts, first 8 bytes (time and offsets) and second part 12 bytes I don't understand what and how is stored in the second part of the data logically there should be a quaternion and a vector, but there are not enough 2 bytes for them (7x compressed floats = 14 bytes) anm file structure

struct Head{
    uint32_t type; //1B 00 00 00
    uint32_t size;
    uint32_t version; //65 00 02 1C

struct Ahead {
    uint32_t version; //always 00 01 00 00, gta
    uint32_t type; //always 03 11 00 00
    uint32_t count; //number of "packets"
    uint32_t flags; //always 00 00 00 00
    float length; //time length of animation
    std::array<float, 6> unknown; //looks like offset and scalar for positions from compressed anm

struct Data0{
    std::array<uint8_t, 4> unknown;
    float time;

struct Data1{
    std::array<uint8_t , 12> unknown;

struct File{
    Head head;
    Ahead ahead;
    std::array<Data0, ahead.count> frameData0;
    std::array<Data1, ahead.count> frameData1;

void uncompress(uint32_t src, float *dest){ 
    uint32_t nx = src & 0x7ff;
    uint32_t ny = (src >> 11) & 0x7ff;
    uint32_t nz = (src >> 22) & 0x3ff;
    int32_t ix = (int32_t)nx;
    int32_t iy = (int32_t)ny;
    int32_t iz = (int32_t)nz;
    dest[0] = (float)ix / 1023.0f; //half variant replace with 511.0f
    dest[1] = (float)iy / 1023.0f; //half variant replace with 511.0f
    dest[2] = (float)iz / 511.0f; //half variant replace with 255.0f

float decode(uint16_t value) {
    uint32_t fi = (value & 0x8000) << 16;
    if (value & 0x7fff) {
        fi |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(value & 0x7800) << 12) + 0x38000000;
        fi |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(value & 0x7ff) << 12);
    return *((float*)&fi);

im trying decompress floats from uint16_t and decompress RwV3d from uint32_t in combination 4x uint16_t + 1x uint32_t or 3x uint16_t for xyz and restore w from this + 3x uint16_t for vector apply and not scalar and offset for translation in the end nothing comes of it link for dff and anm files (long and short)

skeleton has 53 bones and looks like Screenshot_1 screen from my own animation viewer (it's faster to try different decryption options)

alecss131 commented 3 months ago

Found solution in internet

        RotCompressed1 = readUInt()
        RotCompressed2 = readUShort()
        qx = ((RotCompressed1 >> 20) - 2048.0 ) / 2047.0
        qy = (((RotCompressed1 >> 8) & 0xFFF) - 2048.0 ) / 2047.0
        qz =(((( RotCompressed1 * 16) & 0xFFF)|(RotCompressed2 >> 12)) - 2048.0 ) / 2047.0
        qw = ((RotCompressed2 & 0xFFF) - 2048.0 ) / 2047.0 
        tx = (readUShort() / 65535.0) * transScalar[0] + transOffset[0] 
        ty = (readUShort() / 65535.0) * transScalar[1] + transOffset[1] 
        tz = (readUShort() / 65535.0) * transScalar[2] + transOffset[2] 

result res1 and find some errors in my frame read code (frame order)

for i in range(frame_count)
        prevFrame = readUInt()
        time = readFloat()
        currentId = i
        prevId = currentId - prevFrame // 20

and sort frames by prevId[i] == currentId[i - 1]

Psycrow101 commented 3 months ago

@alecss131 Thanks! Added import support for this format
