Public-Health-Scotland / source-linkage-files

This repo is for the syntax used for the PHS Source Linkage File project
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rework this function into a series of smaller functions which operate on vectors #532

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 3 weeks ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

e.g. cascade_hscp_lca <- function(hscp, lca) {...}

Would take HSCP and populate any missing LCA using it

i.e. if they have an LCA use this to fill in HSCP2018 and so on for hbrescode

Codes are correct as at August 2018

and give the variable postcode_match = 1

we can potentially fill the postcodes for that CHI

#' Fill postcode and GP practice geographies
#' @description First improve the completion if possible
#' then use the lookups to match on additional variables.
#' @param data the SLF
#' @return a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] of the SLF with improved
#' Postcode and GP Practice details.
#' @export
fill_geographies <- function(data) {
  check_variables_exist(data, c(

  data %>%
    fill_postcode_geogs() %>%

fill_postcode_geogs <- function(data) {
  spd <- readr::read_rds(get_slf_postcode_path())

  filled_postcodes <- data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(postcode = phsmethods::format_postcode("postcode")) %>%
    fill_values(dplyr::select(spd, "postcode"), "postcode")

  data_geographies <- dplyr::left_join(
    by = "postcode",
    suffix = c("_old", "")

  filled_geographies <- data_geographies %>%
      # Recode Health Board codes to consistent boundaries
        c("hbrescode", "hbpraccode", "hbtreatcode"), ~ recode_health_boards(.x)
      # Recode HSCP codes to consistent boundaries
      hscp2018 = recode_hscp(.data$hscp2018)
    ) %>%
    cascade_geographies() %>%
      hbrescode = dplyr::coalesce(.data$hb2018, .data$hbrescode),
      hscp = dplyr::coalesce(.data$hscp2018, .data$hscp),
      lca = dplyr::coalesce(.data$lca, .data$lca_old)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(-"hb2018", -"hscp2018", -"lca_old")


correct_gpprac_geographies <- function(data) {
  gpprac_ref <- readr::read_rds(get_slf_gpprac_path()) %>%
    dplyr::select(c("gpprac", "cluster", "hbpraccode"))

  filled_gpprac <- fill_values(data, dplyr::select(gpprac_ref, "gpprac"), "gpprac")

  data_geographies <- dplyr::left_join(
    by = "gpprac",
    suffix = c("_old", "")

  filled_geographies <- data_geographies %>%
      hbpraccode = dplyr::coalesce(.data$hbpraccode, .data$hbpraccode_old)
    ) %>%


fill_values <- function(data, lookup, type = c("postcode", "gpprac")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)

  data_values_flagged <- data %>%
      lookup = lookup,
      type = type

  data_values_filled <- data_values_flagged %>%
    fill_data_from_chi(type = type) %>%
    # Remove unnecessary variables
    dplyr::select(-c("all_match", "lookup_match"))


#' Match dummy HSCP and LCA codes
#' @description Match dummy HSCP and LCA codes
#' @param data episode files
#' @return data with matched HSCP and LCA codes
cascade_geographies <- function(data) {
  # TODO rework this function into a series of smaller functions which operate on vectors
  # e.g. cascade_hscp_lca <- function(hscp, lca) {...}
  # Would take HSCP and populate any missing LCA using it
  data <- data %>%
      # If we can, 'cascade' the geographies upwards
      # i.e. if they have an LCA use this to fill in HSCP2018 and so on for hbrescode
      # Codes are correct as at August 2018
      lca = dplyr::case_when(
        !is_missing(lca) ~ lca,
        hscp2018 == "S37000001" ~ "01",
        hscp2018 == "S37000002" ~ "02",
        hscp2018 == "S37000003" ~ "03",
        hscp2018 == "S37000004" ~ "04",
        hscp2018 == "S37000025" ~ "05",
        hscp2018 == "S37000029" ~ "07",
        hscp2018 == "S37000006" ~ "08",
        hscp2018 == "S37000007" ~ "09",
        hscp2018 == "S37000008" ~ "10",
        hscp2018 == "S37000009" ~ "11",
        hscp2018 == "S37000010" ~ "12",
        hscp2018 == "S37000011" ~ "13",
        hscp2018 == "S37000012" ~ "14",
        hscp2018 == "S37000013" ~ "15",
        hscp2018 == "S37000032" ~ "16",
        hscp2018 == "S37000015" ~ "17",
        hscp2018 == "S37000016" ~ "18",
        hscp2018 == "S37000017" ~ "19",
        hscp2018 == "S37000018" ~ "20",
        hscp2018 == "S37000019" ~ "21",
        hscp2018 == "S37000020" ~ "22",
        hscp2018 == "S37000021" ~ "23",
        hscp2018 == "S37000022" ~ "24",
        hscp2018 == "S37000033" ~ "25",
        hscp2018 == "S37000024" ~ "26",
        hscp2018 == "S37000026" ~ "27",
        hscp2018 == "S37000027" ~ "28",
        hscp2018 == "S37000028" ~ "29",
        hscp2018 == "S37000030" ~ "31",
        hscp2018 == "S37000031" ~ "32"
      # Next, use LCA to fill in hscp2018 if possible
      hscp2018 = dplyr::case_when(
        !is_missing(hscp2018) ~ hscp2018,
        lca == "01" ~ "S37000001",
        lca == "02" ~ "S37000002",
        lca == "03" ~ "S37000003",
        lca == "04" ~ "S37000004",
        lca == "05" ~ "S37000025",
        lca == "06" ~ "S37000005",
        lca == "07" ~ "S37000029",
        lca == "08" ~ "S37000006",
        lca == "09" ~ "S37000007",
        lca == "10" ~ "S37000008",
        lca == "11" ~ "S37000009",
        lca == "12" ~ "S37000010",
        lca == "13" ~ "S37000011",
        lca == "14" ~ "S37000012",
        lca == "15" ~ "S37000013",
        lca == "16" ~ "S37000032",
        lca == "17" ~ "S37000015",
        lca == "18" ~ "S37000016",
        lca == "19" ~ "S37000017",
        lca == "20" ~ "S37000018",
        lca == "21" ~ "S37000019",
        lca == "22" ~ "S37000020",
        lca == "23" ~ "S37000021",
        lca == "24" ~ "S37000022",
        lca == "25" ~ "S37000033",
        lca == "26" ~ "S37000024",
        lca == "27" ~ "S37000026",
        lca == "28" ~ "S37000027",
        lca == "29" ~ "S37000028",
        lca == "30" ~ "S37000005",
        lca == "31" ~ "S37000030",
        lca == "32" ~ "S37000031"
      # Next, use LCA to fill in ca2018
      ca2018 = dplyr::case_when(
        !is_missing(ca2018) ~ ca2018,
        lca == "01" ~ "S12000033",
        lca == "02" ~ "S12000034",
        lca == "03" ~ "S12000041",
        lca == "04" ~ "S12000035",
        lca == "05" ~ "S12000026",
        lca == "06" ~ "S12000005",
        lca == "07" ~ "S12000039",
        lca == "08" ~ "S12000006",
        lca == "09" ~ "S12000042",
        lca == "10" ~ "S12000008",
        lca == "11" ~ "S12000045",
        lca == "12" ~ "S12000010",
        lca == "13" ~ "S12000011",
        lca == "14" ~ "S12000036",
        lca == "15" ~ "S12000014",
        lca == "16" ~ "S12000047",
        lca == "17" ~ "S12000046",
        lca == "18" ~ "S12000017",
        lca == "19" ~ "S12000018",
        lca == "20" ~ "S12000019",
        lca == "21" ~ "S12000020",
        lca == "22" ~ "S12000021",
        lca == "23" ~ "S12000044",
        lca == "24" ~ "S12000023",
        lca == "25" ~ "S12000048",
        lca == "26" ~ "S12000038",
        lca == "27" ~ "S12000027",
        lca == "28" ~ "S12000028",
        lca == "29" ~ "S12000029",
        lca == "30" ~ "S12000030",
        lca == "31" ~ "S12000040",
        lca == "32" ~ "S12000013"
      # Finally, use hscp2018 to fill hbrescode
      hbrescode = dplyr::case_when(
        !is_missing(hbrescode) ~ hbrescode,
        hscp2018 %in% c(
        ) ~ "S08000015",
        hscp2018 %in% c("S37000025") ~ "S08000016",
        hscp2018 %in% c("S37000006") ~ "S08000017",
        hscp2018 %in% c(
        ) ~ "S08000019",
        hscp2018 %in% c(
        ) ~ "S08000020",
        hscp2018 %in% c(
        ) ~ "S08000021",
        hscp2018 %in% c(
        ) ~ "S08000022",
        hscp2018 %in% c(
        ) ~ "S08000023",
        hscp2018 %in% c(
        ) ~ "S08000024",
        hscp2018 %in% c("S37000022") ~ "S08000025",
        hscp2018 %in% c("S37000026") ~ "S08000026",
        hscp2018 %in% c("S37000031") ~ "S08000028",
        hscp2018 %in% c("S37000032") ~ "S08000029",
        hscp2018 %in% c(
        ) ~ "S08000030"


#' Recode Health Board code to 2018 standard
#' @param hb_variable A vector of Health Board codes
#' @return A vector of Health Board codes in the 2018 standard
recode_health_boards <- function(hb_variable) {
  hb_recoded <- dplyr::case_when(
    # HB2014 to HB2018
    hb_variable == "S08000018" ~ "S08000029",
    hb_variable == "S08000027" ~ "S08000030",
    # HB2019 to HB2018
    hb_variable == "S08000031" ~ "S08000021",
    hb_variable == "S08000032" ~ "S08000023",
    TRUE ~ hb_variable


#' Recode HSCP code to 2018 standard
#' @param hscp_variable A vector of HSCP codes
#' @return A vector of HSCP codes in the 2018 standard
recode_hscp <- function(hscp_variable) {
  hscp_recoded <- dplyr::case_when(
    # HSCP2016 to HSCP2018
    hscp_variable == "S37000014" ~ "S37000032",
    hscp_variable == "S37000023" ~ "S37000033",
    # hscp2018 to HSCP2018
    hscp_variable == "S37000034" ~ "S37000015",
    hscp_variable == "S37000035" ~ "S37000021",
    # Recode some strange dummy codes which seem to come from A&E
    hscp_variable %in% c("S37999998", "S37999999") ~ NA_character_,
    TRUE ~ hscp_variable


flag_matching_data <- function(data, lookup, type = c("postcode", "gpprac")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)

  flagged_data <- dplyr::bind_rows(
    # First, get all the rows that do match,
    # and give the variable postcode_match = 1
    dplyr::semi_join(data, lookup, by = type) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(lookup_match = TRUE),
    # For the rows that do not match, give value of postcode_match = 0
    dplyr::anti_join(data, lookup, by = type) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(lookup_match = FALSE)
  ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$chi) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(all_match = mean(.data$lookup_match)) %>%


fill_data_from_chi <- function(data, type = c("postcode", "gpprac")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)

  potentially_fixable <- data %>%
    # If the CHI isn't missing and all_match isn't exactly 0 or 1,
    # we can potentially fill the postcodes for that CHI
    dplyr::filter(!is_missing(.data$chi) & !(.data$all_match %in% c(0L, 1L)))

  no_change <- data %>%
    dplyr::filter(is_missing(.data$chi) | .data$all_match %in% c(0L, 1L))

  fixed <- potentially_fixable %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$chi) %>%
    # Sort by episode dates so that the fill will use the 'nearest in time' postcode
      .by_group = TRUE
    ) %>%
      {{ type }} := ifelse(.data$lookup_match, .data[[type]], NA),
      {{ type }} := dplyr::na_if(.data[[type]], "NK010AA"),
      {{ type }} := dplyr::na_if(.data[[type]], 99999L)
    ) %>%
    # Now we can fill the variables for these CHIs
    tidyr::fill({{ type }}, .direction = "downup") %>%

  fixed_data <- dplyr::bind_rows(

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue is stale because it has been open approximately 5 months with no activity.