Public-Tree-Map / public-tree-map

Public Tree Map documents all ~35,000 public street and park trees in Santa Monica's urban forest. The map includes contextual information collected from open datasets and digitized city records. To reflect tree plantings and removals, the map updates every day. We're also working to add tree data from other cities in LA county. Work in progress:
MIT License
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fix bounds #282

Closed mrtmrt233 closed 4 years ago

mrtmrt233 commented 4 years ago

resolves #278

Hardcoding the map bounds fixed the issue. Tested on iOS.

iOS Debug Notes:

Fought with this for quite a bit, best way I think is to use Safari Web Inspector following these instructions.

Additionally, Safari does not allow location service over HTTP. In order to debug and test on iOS, the website must be served over HTTPS. Follow these steps if using live server with vs code:

emillipede commented 4 years ago

thank you so much @mrtmrt233 !

this solution looks good to me. what about you @isabelle-wagenvoord ?

@cajaks2 pushed this branch to

emillipede commented 4 years ago

thank you @mrtmrt233 ! I just commented about the address bar, before I saw your update. maybe in the future, it'll be possible to put the current location button (bottom R corner) into the toolbar. in the meantime, it's great to have the not so functional icon out of the address box.

thank you for resolving the bounding box problem, too.