PuckettAB / LightLoop

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Determine Modules #1

Open PuckettAB opened 2 years ago

PuckettAB commented 2 years ago

Determine the software modules that will need to be developed for execution of Light Loop

PuckettAB commented 2 years ago

Read in module

User interface module- allows user to interface between options of what can be output. Start/stop, continuously saves into a file until the stop button is pressed, prompts user for next steps Translation module- translation of the laser data into workable data for image generation Determination module- informs the user in string values what the laser hits, soft tissue, bone, unidentifiable- TBD, test with laser to see what we can distinguish, tells us how deep we are penetrating into the tissue Image generation module- interpret the laser data, the absorption Image projection module- outputs the laser data to an image Export module- allows user to export all data in an excel file format, formatted for easy understanding

PuckettAB commented 2 years ago

What we are trying to accomplish:

Interpret data from laser receivers into a readable format. This output, tissueDense, will be in the form of varying densities of the soft tissue that are perceived from the receivers.

tissueDense will be calculated through a function that reduces the noise and computes coherent decimal values.

tissueDense will either be an enumerated variable, data type, or an array/vector/stack of doubles.

tisseDense may best be interpreted as an object.

The data would be stored in 3 different vectors of tissueDense objects(one for each receiver). Each object is defined by the individual data at each point, containing these variables:

tissueDense data type contains int receiver number (1 through 3) int raw data value (to store the wavelength received) question for this one: do different tissue densities result in different wavelengths received or power outputs? What can we use to measure different data/use to interpret tissue density? int calculated density at point double angle (for the angle received, to pinpoint exactly where value is received from) any others? pair coordinate point (uses angle to calculate the point that information was received at) int hounsfieldConversion (the hounsfield value for the calculated density)

PuckettAB commented 2 years ago

Group questions: how do we calculate density values?

Basic Calculation Functions: calculateDensity, stored in int calculated density for each data point storeData, stores data in vector of tissueDense objects caculatePos, use angle to calculate position of stored data convertToHounsfield, uses calculated density to calculate the hounsfield number value for the point produceImage, uses coordinates and hounsfield number to map the image and output it

User Functions: menuPrint, contains start and stop, print data, output image, reset data printData, prints data to user and stores it in an excel file outputImage, outputs image of stored data resetData, resets all vectors to zero

PuckettAB commented 2 years ago

voltage gathered from receiver indicates different densities. emit a slightly different wavelength from each laser or pulse the lasers at different times so the receivers always know how to calculate angle. We'll go with one laser at a time. how to calculate densities? experiment with out light loop model, emit the wavelength into different known densities and develop a ratio or governing equation.