Currently dependency trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports has no effect, so imports won't get sorted automatically if not having vscode user settings surprisingly setup correctly. This is due to missing vscode workspace editor settings. Furthermore there is no pattern in import order, like having thirdy party modules at top and all source code imports beneath. Besides that this workspace also lacks a .prettierignore file, which should ignore general build artifacts.
Acceptance criteria
[x] Add missing vscode workspace settings.
[x] Adjust prettier import order.
[x] Add .prettierignore file, which ignores artifacts.
Currently dependency trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports has no effect, so imports won't get sorted automatically if not having vscode user settings surprisingly setup correctly. This is due to missing vscode workspace editor settings. Furthermore there is no pattern in import order, like having thirdy party modules at top and all source code imports beneath. Besides that this workspace also lacks a
file, which should ignore general build artifacts.Acceptance criteria
file, which ignores artifacts.Technical solutions
Suggestion importOrder