Pullusb / storytools

Blender addon - Set of tool for storyboarding in Blender
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Attempting to make a change to the Drawtool shortcuts makes Shortcuts disappear, changed settings dont save #5

Open enlargedhousecats opened 4 months ago

enlargedhousecats commented 4 months ago


When I try to change settings to the shortcuts for story tools the settings disappear and I get a message that says "error(see console)" though in neither the info pannel nor the console is there any information


additionally, the Set DrawTool shortcuts never save when reset in the keymap editor even when saving settings manually.

Pullusb commented 4 months ago

Hi, thank you for reporting, I'll look into it very soon

Pullusb commented 4 months ago

@enlargedhousecats I don't have the error, tested on Linux Blender 4.0.2 and 3.6.5. What is your operating system and blender version ?

enlargedhousecats commented 4 months ago

using blender 3.3 on windows 11 the error occurs on 4.0.2 and 3.6.5 as well

Pullusb commented 4 months ago

Can you screenshot or copy paste the console error (should start with Traceback...) ? on windows you can open the console in Blender top Menu > Windows > toggle Console

enlargedhousecats commented 4 months ago

for some reason the error doesnt appear anymore after reinstalling the plugin to blender while blender is activated as administrator

enlargedhousecats commented 4 months ago

trying to recreate this issue by decativating administrator

enlargedhousecats commented 4 months ago

seems it just works now after installing when running as administrator, which is a cool solution for now though it begs the question what was going on before? I've been using the plugin for months without thinking to run as administrator so it would help somone else to know what was going on so that trick is never needed to make it work at full capacity

enlargedhousecats commented 4 months ago

how can I delete any trace of this addon in whatever folder must have gotten accessed by instaling as administrator so I could try to recreate the issue again?

Pullusb commented 4 months ago

This is weird... this addon does not install any third party package (yet), so running as admin or not shouldn't do anything different.

To make sure all trace of the addon are gone, simply remove "storytools" folder in your users addon folder. On windows, it's located in your user addon folder in under appdata. Something like this:

C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons

There is a nice (but long) one-liner you can paste and execute in interactive python console to open automatically this directory from blender:

bpy.ops.wm.path_open(filepath=bpy.utils.user_resource('SCRIPTS', path='addons'))

Like this image

Note: Using install from file is the same thing as unzipping in this directory.

Let me know how it went