Pulover / PuloversMacroCreator

Automation Utility - Recorder & Script Generator
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Hotkeys and Hotstrings #237

Open TirOFlanc opened 1 year ago

TirOFlanc commented 1 year ago

Hi Pulover,

It would be nice to allow a label name followed by ":" to allow and transform a simple macro into a hotkey, and in the "Edit Macros" window, it would react pretty much like a function, i.e. the "Play" field would be inactive but not the "#If" field.

Or maybe simpler and cleaner, a button and a dedicated interface, like for all other commands, for hotkeys and hotstrings.

This would avoid having to use the "Expression / COM Interface" to achieve our goals and also repetitions at each hotkey as on the screen



TirOFlanc commented 1 year ago

Especially since the trick is problematic as on the screen
