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Insert key value not work in PMC #254

Open manprew opened 1 year ago

manprew commented 1 year ago

I have try to insert key value Associative Array, when i try to use PMC it not work, but when i try to use .ahk, it's work,

this my code :


XlApp := 0 XlApp := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application") XlApp := ComObjActive("Excel.Application") WinActivate, TEMPLATE.xlsx - Excel Sleep, 100 XlApp.Sheets("CONDITION").Select Sleep, 100 XlApp.Range("B3").Select Sleep, 100 condition1 := {} condition2 := {} Loop { afco := XlApp.Activecell.value nilai1 := XlApp.Activecell.Offset(0,2).value nilai2 := XlApp.Activecell.Offset(0,4).value arrdate1 := StrSplit(nilai1, "/") arrdate2 := StrSplit(nilai2, "/") condition1[afco] := arrdate1[2] condition2[afco] := arrdate2[2] tampil1 := condition1[afco] tampil2 := condition2[afco] MsgBox, 0, , (LTrim %afco% : %nilai1% :%nilai2% %afco% : %tampil1% : %tampil2%

Sleep, 100

} Until, XlApp.Activecell.value = ""

in PMC i try to use : Variable / Arrays (Shift + F10) Expression / COM interface (Shift + F12)

that code not work when i run wtih PMC, but it work when i export to AHK and run with .ahk