Pulsar-Edit-Highlights / selected

@Pulsar-Edit package for highlighting occurrences of your selection.
MIT License
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Atom is slow with backspace, cmd+z and cmd+s #97

Open alfredobarron opened 9 years ago

alfredobarron commented 9 years ago

Enable package Atom is a slow with backspace, cmd+z and cmd+s

OmegaJak commented 9 years ago

Often freezes for me when backspacing for a 1-2 seconds.

richrace commented 9 years ago

Can you please tell me what settings you have for this package, the file type and length. Also, if possible a Gist of an example where you experience slow downs.

Have you disabled this package (or setting) and this slow down does not happen?

OmegaJak commented 9 years ago

Actually, highlight-selected is not the issue, minimap-highlight-selected is. I had previously always enabled/disabled them together, so I assumed highlight-selected was the problem. Sorry for the false report. This seems to be the correct issue thread relating to this.

vkotovv commented 6 years ago

@OmegaJak @richrace This issue should be closed then.