PulseTile / PulseTile-UXDesigns

UX Design work- to underpin and explain the patterns at play
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PulseTile JSON API View Automation #6

Open simongamester opened 6 years ago

simongamester commented 6 years ago

Updates to the UI Widget Generator JSFiddle at https://jsfiddle.net/rootsol/cay2c07h/

simongamester commented 6 years ago

@tony-shannon @PhilBarrett I've updated the jsFiddle with a new selectBox element:


I've updated the Events module to show this working. The new 'selectBox' element can be set to display as a basic list or use chosen.js instead. In addition, the element allows singular or muliple selections, again all configurable via the schema JSON file.

When viewing the multiple select box with Chosen.js enabled, this may negate the need for a separate shuttle control, but I'd keen to know your thoughts.

