PuneetKohli / Step-Inside-2D-Floorplan-to-3D-Walkthrough

Step Inside is a Unity3D based project that lets you draw out a 2D floor plan and instantly converts it to a 3D virtual walkthrough. You can save the walkthrough and view it on Mobile and VR using its unique pin-code!
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Can't get app to run with Unity 2019 / 2017 / 5.1 due to several errors #2

Open chrisrede opened 5 years ago

chrisrede commented 5 years ago

I have tried to open the project with several Unity-Versions and I get errors in all of them.

Unity 2019.1.0f2: Library\PackageCache\com.unity.textmeshpro@2.0.0\Scripts\Editor\TMP_PackageUtilities.cs(310,17): error CS0433: The type 'Task' exists in both 'Parse.Unity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' and 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'

Here I tried to refer "Task" to ParseUtilites.dll, but I could not find the way to do it.

Unity 2017.4.27f1 Assets/Scripts/ParseInit.cs(9,21): error CS0311: The type 'HouseObject' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'Parse.ParseObject.RegisterSubclass<T>()'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'HouseObject' to 'Parse.ParseObject'

This is the last of the 57 errors in this Version. I could not paste them all here.

Unity 5.1.0f3 Assets/Standard Assets/Utility/ForcedReset.cs(3,19): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'SceneManagement' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEngine'. Are you missing an assembly reference?

Sounds strange, but it says SceneManagement does not exist in this Unity Version. I tried to find the documentation for it, but could not find the information.

I would be very happy if you could help me with this!

PuneetKohli commented 5 years ago

Hey, Yes this repository is quite outdated and I haven't tried to run it on a latest version of Unity for at least a few years. I'm thinking about that and if there's interest (seems there's at least two of you) I can spend some time on it over the next few weeks. Appreciate if any of you want to help in this regards too.

PuneetKohli commented 5 years ago

It also used a lot of server/backend code which was with the Parse Library/API that is no longer active / supported by Facebook which could be causing some of the issues.

Ravi-takhi commented 5 years ago

Hi Puneet Kohli, I also need this project which you have create few years ago.I am also getting lots of errors when open this project unity. I also tried in unity version 5.1. I exactly want which you have created. Please help me out to solve these errors.

PuneetKohli commented 5 years ago

Hi Ravi,

I will spend some time this week seeing how it can be run with the latest versions of Unity. The main thing to note is that the backend was Parse so that will not work - but I can still try to get a local version of this working.

Ravi-takhi commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your response and time. Even if you can get the local version working ,it will be a big help for me. Thank you so much.

hessian0 commented 4 years ago

Hi! it would be amazing to have a local version working. Are you still working on it? Thank you

PuneetKohli commented 4 years ago

Hi! it would be amazing to have a local version working. Are you still working on it? Thank you

Hey! So this repo used the Parse platform to run (https://parseplatform.org/). It is 100% possible to use with a local version of Parse.

I haven't tried with any of the newer versions of Unity, and would be happy to accept any PRs that fix compatibility issues.

ouday7 commented 4 years ago

Hi bro ! u have update this project ?

ajinkya342 commented 3 years ago

how to run this code ?? in detail that would be of a great help

dran001 commented 3 years ago

@chrisrede I installed Unity from here https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive using version 5.1.1 with the "Downloads (Win) -> Unity installer option. It worked for me, but I have had my desktop since Window 8.0 and I have most of the the .NET versions and developer pacs installed. Once I launched "Unity 5.1.1 f1 Personal", I pointed to the "Step-Inside-2D-Floorplan-to-3D-Walkthrough" project and it came right up.

golrouge commented 3 years ago

Hey, Yes this repository is quite outdated and I haven't tried to run it on a latest version of Unity for at least a few years. I'm thinking about that and if there's interest (seems there's at least two of you) I can spend some time on it over the next few weeks. Appreciate if any of you want to help in this regards too.

Tried to do what @dran001 said, there was a big problem with scene management namespace can't be found. So I downloaded the 5.3.0f4 it solve the "Scenemanagement" nameSpace issue but with that a lot of error from a lot of script pops up, I am working on a similar project so if there's a documentation for this I just need to understand how to draw a floor plan and convert them into 3d I would very much appreciate it.

PuneetKohli commented 3 years ago

Hey, Yes this repository is quite outdated and I haven't tried to run it on a latest version of Unity for at least a few years. I'm thinking about that and if there's interest (seems there's at least two of you) I can spend some time on it over the next few weeks. Appreciate if any of you want to help in this regards too.

Tried to do what @dran001 said, there was a big problem with scene management namespace can't be found. So I downloaded the 5.3.0f4 it solve the "Scenemanagement" nameSpace issue but with that a lot of error from a lot of script pops up, I am working on a similar project so if there's a documentation for this I just need to understand how to draw a floor plan and convert them into 3d I would very much appreciate it.

Since this was built with an older version of Unity, there are bound to be issues. The dependencies on "Parse" backend also do not work anymore as the Parse service was shut down by Facebook and moved to open-source.

I'm happy to do a 1-1 call where we can walk through some of the steps to get the project up and running for everyone. DM me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/punkohl

golrouge commented 3 years ago

Hey, Yes this repository is quite outdated and I haven't tried to run it on a latest version of Unity for at least a few years. I'm thinking about that and if there's interest (seems there's at least two of you) I can spend some time on it over the next few weeks. Appreciate if any of you want to help in this regards too.

Tried to do what @dran001 said, there was a big problem with scene management namespace can't be found. So I downloaded the 5.3.0f4 it solve the "Scenemanagement" nameSpace issue but with that a lot of error from a lot of script pops up, I am working on a similar project so if there's a documentation for this I just need to understand how to draw a floor plan and convert them into 3d I would very much appreciate it.

Since this was built with an older version of Unity, there are bound to be issues. The dependencies on "Parse" backend also do not work anymore as the Parse service was shut down by Facebook and moved to open-source.

I'm happy to do a 1-1 call where we can walk through some of the steps to get the project up and running for everyone. DM me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/punkohl

Hey man I really appreciate your help. Looking forward to fixing the errors with you sir. Thanks

WrenOswin commented 1 year ago

If someone has an updated version for this project or can walkthrough the steps for launching the project it'd be helpful 👍🏼