PunishXIV / YesAlready

Clicks Yes in various dialogues you've specified.
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Please give us an option to remove the text at the topright of the screen #111

Closed elrandir closed 8 months ago

elrandir commented 8 months ago

I don't really find the new toggle useful, and thus I really don't need the visual clutter of YesAlready: on/off always visible on my screen. Please give us an option to hide the text, thank you.

Haselnussbomber commented 8 months ago

You can disable it in the Dalamud Settings under the Server Info Bar tab. 🙂

kawaii commented 8 months ago

We're going to see if we can reflect the server info bar setting specifically into YesAlready so the same option is not essentially controlled in 2 different places by 2 different settings.

elrandir commented 8 months ago

Thank you! Didn't know you could control it there <3