PunishXIV / YesAlready

Clicks Yes in various dialogues you've specified.
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New yes already feature. no way to get rid of. #113

Closed Xehanort09 closed 8 months ago

Xehanort09 commented 8 months ago

I don't want the YesAlready: On on my top right screen already with five other things. I don't see a way to turn that off.

smolfluffycat commented 8 months ago

Came here to say the same thing, glad it is already posted as this new "feature" is incredibly annoying.

Dainina commented 8 months ago

I don't want the YesAlready: On on my top right screen already with five other things. I don't see a way to turn that off.

Came here to say the same thing, glad it is already posted as this new "feature" is incredibly annoying.

You can turn this on or off in the normal Dalamud settings. There's a tab for server bar.

Tell me you've never looked at the settings without telling me you've never looked at the settings ¯(ツ)/¯.

smolfluffycat commented 8 months ago

You can turn this on or off in the normal Dalamud settings. There's a tab for server bar.

Tell me you've never looked at the settings without telling me you've never looked at the settings ¯(ツ)/¯.

I was going to check then thought I was being stupid for even thinking a plugin would have settings hidden in the main framework, anyway thank you, I have now disabled this.

kawaii commented 8 months ago

I pushed an update to latest just now that mirrors the core Dalamud DTR/server info bar settings into a tab in the plugin itself.