PunishXIV / YesAlready

Clicks Yes in various dialogues you've specified.
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Feature request: Datacenter travel confirmation #126

Open spectral54 opened 4 weeks ago

spectral54 commented 4 weeks ago

DC Travel has one pointless dialog (the first one, explaining what it is), and one really annoying dialog at the end, after several seconds of lag.

The one at the end always trips me up. I think it's actually going to start doing the data center travel and that takes time, so I go get something to drink or whatever. I come back, and it's still sitting there waiting for me to confirm.

It'd be great if YesAlready could skip these two dialogs. Even better if it only skipped the second one if the estimated travel time was less than some configurable threshold (or maybe only if it's "less than 1 minute" to start with).

I think this can be done by looking for LobbyDKTCheck and LobbyDKTCheckExec(but only if the right string for estimated travel time is present).

Jaksuhn commented 4 weeks ago

you'd probably be interested in lifestream

Scrxtchy commented 5 days ago


wrote this feature last year