PunishedPineapple / Distance

Dalamud/XIVLauncher plugin to show basic distance to boss information.
MIT License
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Fix CheapLoc ExportLocalizable & add default loc json #23

Closed MapleRecall closed 6 months ago

MapleRecall commented 6 months ago

Fixed some errors and conflicting keys and exported the default loc file.

PunishedPineapple commented 6 months ago

Thank you. I used to export before releasing (which would have shown these issues), but I forgot to do so this time. I almost wonder if I should just remove localization support, since when I first asked, I remember there being basically no interest from anyone for this plugin.

Regardless, can you please remove the loc_en file? The fallback strings in the code are the en strings, and having a separate file in addition just means more maintenance of duplicate data.

MapleRecall commented 6 months ago

Just removed it. :D

This changes is actually for CN server localization. I keep loc_zh in my fork though, since global server doesn't support Chinese.

PunishedPineapple commented 6 months ago

Thank you. I will try to do a better job with strings in the future knowing that localization is actually being used.