PunishedPineapple / Distance

Dalamud/XIVLauncher plugin to show basic distance to boss information.
MIT License
10 stars 11 forks source link

APIX Update #24

Closed damolitionn closed 2 months ago

damolitionn commented 2 months ago
PunishedPineapple commented 2 months ago

Thank you very much. This looks like it leaves nameplate distances permanently enabled, but I will take care of that when I test things later.

damolitionn commented 2 months ago

Thanks for accepting my PR. In regards to the nameplate distances. From my testing, it looks like it's fine if this is what you mean?

With Nameplate distances toggled: image

With Nameplate distanced turned off: image

PunishedPineapple commented 2 months ago

Ya, it still hides the nodes in the checks for what to show, but it no longer stops updating the nodes completely when disabled. I guess I need to check the update times again; if it is still performant with maximum people, I probably can just leave it always updating. Either way, it's no big deal. Thank you very much for doing this.

damolitionn commented 2 months ago

Oh I see now and no problem.

mem5000 commented 2 months ago

Oh thank Bastet, you are working on this mod! I can't judge the range for my standard/tech step with out it!

PunishedPineapple commented 2 months ago

Well, I tested things and submitted the new version, but it unfortunately might be a while before it is available through the main plugin repo.

mem5000 commented 2 months ago

Can it be added through the experimental section of dalamund?

PunishedPineapple commented 2 months ago

If you want to build it yourself, sure. I guess I can try to put back up a third-party repo later, but like the safest thing would be to wait, since going into the main repo puts another set of eyes on it, especially with the new API. I am honestly not sure how it would interact having a plugin on both the main repo and a third party repo with the same name, and I could see that screwing up updates in the future, so I need to think about it.

mem5000 commented 2 months ago

ok, ill wait. Thanks for working on this. My dancer would hug you if she could.