Closed AndyKXu closed 5 years ago
That's quite strange.
Can you run WMIC PROCESS WHERE name='LeagueClientUx.exe' GET commandline
in a console and post the results here?
C:\Users\troll>SET PATH=C:\Windows\System32\wbem\;%PATH%;
C:\Users\troll>WMIC PROCESS WHERE name='LeagueClientUx.exe' GET commandline CommandLine
Is what I get
Was the client open when you did that? It needs to be open.
If it was already open then the executable must have a different name. The list of processes would also help.
Yes it has already opened, As you can see here, the executable is shown in the list
That's quite strange. When this happened on other regions it was because the client was started with admin permissions and the console or Rift Explorer were not. 🤔
Are you running the client with any special flags like --allow-multiple-clients
or something like that?
Nope, the only flag is the swagger.
It is strange, but I'll give it a try when I'm back on my main computer in a few weeks
I was having a similar issue as well. I have the game installed at a non-default path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Riot Games". I found that when I cloned rift-explorer and did yarn install it didn't get the latest version v1.0.2 of lcu-connector (took 1.0.1) so it didn't have the chokidar fix for handling special glob characters (such as the parenthesis). I had to update the package.json of rift-explorer to explicitly take "lcu-connector": "^1.0.2" and re-install. The pre-built may be suffering the same issue.
Closed for inactivity
So I have looked at the posts of the same issue and I have tried running the program as administrator, but it still does not get past the: "Waiting for League to start..."
Both League Client and the program are being ran as administrators and I have the enable_swagger: true in the system.yaml file.
My League Client is on my D: drive while the program is on the C: drive.
I am on the NA server