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[App Bug Report] Map is missing #227

Open chair-flight-bot opened 2 months ago

chair-flight-bot commented 2 months ago


Here is not a map


href : https://www.chair-flight.com/modules/atpl/tests/lUzJu0j4/exam

test-current-question: &a1
  questionId: YoUc2WLr
  templateId: QWDVWIFL
  seed: lbOmRV2Z
  type: multiple-choice
  question: >-
    (For this question use Annex 061-600199).   
     Which figure in the diagram represents the geographic latitude of position P, which is situated above the surface of the ellipsoid?
  annexes: []
  correctOptionId: OX87SDNQ1
    - id: O74FJAQ2V
      text: Figure C
      why: ""
    - id: ODYB2RTUI
      text: Figure D
      why: ""
    - id: OAHPWST7B
      text: Figure B
      why: ""
    - id: OX87SDNQ1
      text: Figure A
      why: ""
  explanation: ""
  id: lUzJu0j4
  questionBank: atpl
  title: 061 exam
  status: started
  mode: exam
  currentQuestionIndex: 3
  timeSpentInMs: 442839
  durationInMs: 2400000
    - questionId: 6STwoRqI
      templateId: QPRTWNPK
      seed: of44LFhv
      type: multiple-choice
      question: In navigation we assume that the shape of earth is..
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: OZZ3V1KK8
        - id: OGRBTC3JQ
          text: a disc.
          why: ""
        - id: ONITJOZYQ
          text: an ellipsoid.
          why: ""
        - id: OYENRMXGR
          text: a standard sphere.
          why: ""
        - id: OZZ3V1KK8
          text: a perfect sphere.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
      selectedOptionId: OZZ3V1KK8
    - questionId: 8f4ggQUV
      templateId: QTAEBYGD
      seed: c398cYR9
      type: multiple-choice
      question: Seasons are due to the…
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: O8IQ7KY58
        - id: OQTMLSFLX
          text: Earth’s rotation on its polar axis.
          why: ""
        - id: O8IQ7KY58
          text: inclination of the polar axis with the ecliptic plane.
          why: ""
        - id: OEI5XALZJ
          text: Earth’s elliptical orbit around the Sun.
          why: ""
        - id: OLM4X5CRM
          text: variable distance between the Earth and the Sun.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
      selectedOptionId: O8IQ7KY58
    - questionId: 8E5seRVj
      templateId: QSXBKSDR
      seed: tXH2Jxgm
      type: multiple-choice
      question: The axis of the earth is inclined towards the plane of the ecliptic.
        As a result, what is correct concerning the temperature in Egypt (25°N),
        compared South Africa (25°S)?
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: OG2LVJ65O
        - id: OK7QQF1XE
          text: In July, the weather will be warmer in South Africa, and in January, the
            weather will be colder in Egypt.
          why: ""
        - id: OXDTNB94T
          text: In July, the weather will be warmer in Egypt, and in January, the weather
            will be colder in South Africa.
          why: ""
        - id: OFCY41DD9
          text: There is no difference.
          why: ""
        - id: OG2LVJ65O
          text: In July, the weather will be warmer in Egypt, and in January, the weather
            will be warmer in South Africa.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
      selectedOptionId: OG2LVJ65O
    - *a1
    - questionId: VzpfJHh8
      templateId: QXYVJQTT
      seed: 3igqH3x5
      type: multiple-choice
      question: The tropic of Cancer is situated at…
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: O7E0V8BK7
        - id: OFT1LCL1I
          text: 66°N.
          why: ""
        - id: ON6LQTQRK
          text: 23°S.
          why: ""
        - id: OFAO6WMHX
          text: 66°S.
          why: ""
        - id: O7E0V8BK7
          text: 23°N.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: X5DzJYZ8
      templateId: QNUWRXSK
      seed: nUGnNCbk
      type: multiple-choice
      question: >-
        The Earth's spin axis is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic. What
        effect does that have on the duration of daylight at Cambridge (52°N,
        000°E) compared with that at La Palma in the Canary islands (29°N,
        018°W) on the same day?

        Cambridge will have (1) \_\_ hours of daylight on the 1st July and (2)
        \_\_ hours of daylight on the 1st January.
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: OSBFQXIHJ
        - id: OIW4S2WER
          text: (1) fewer; (2) more
          why: ""
        - id: ONKIPZJWI
          text: (1) fewer; (2) fewer
          why: ""
        - id: OGDLF62I8
          text: (1) more; (2) more
          why: ""
        - id: OSBFQXIHJ
          text: (1) more; (2) fewer
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: VisQNQ9h
      templateId: QQYPFGYA
      seed: jP68EmK1
      type: multiple-choice
      question: "On the WGS84 ellipsoid, the only true great circle is:"
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: OMQF3X5DC
        - id: OTMPMKTCZ
          text: A meridian that crosses the equator at 45 degrees.
          why: ""
        - id: O8CL34CLY
          text: The Prime meridian.
          why: ""
        - id: OMQF3X5DC
          text: A great circle that is coincident with the equator.
          why: ""
        - id: ORDOURGPB
          text: Any meridian from South to North pole.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: geHnu4R6
      templateId: QRMWGRJQ
      seed: 5XrfY033
      type: multiple-choice
      question: The circumference of the Earth is approximately...
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: OXDI5AGLH
        - id: OXDI5AGLH
          text: 21 600 NM.
          why: ""
        - id: O5RCKDOJC
          text: 5 400 NM.
          why: ""
        - id: OLUABCR1H
          text: 43 200 NM.
          why: ""
        - id: OMQWZFW2O
          text: 10 800 NM.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: QxZgKPFT
      templateId: QVRLVPDC
      seed: RXtx3OQz
      type: multiple-choice
      question: The inclination of the Earth's spin axis in relation to the plane of
        rotation around the Sun is the cause of the variable amount of (1)
        \_\_\_\_\_ and the changing duration of (2) \_\_\_\_\_ throughout the
        year at mid and high latitudes.
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: ODLOYUCJE
        - id: OLKMSXACG
          text: (1) variation; (2) daylight
          why: ""
        - id: OS9ZPGH7L
          text: (1) insolation; (2) an apparent solar day
          why: ""
        - id: ODLOYUCJE
          text: (1) insolation; (2) daylight
          why: ""
        - id: OG3AZEP9O
          text: (1) variation; (2) an apparent solar day
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: TnZ6v1xZ
      templateId: QEEKZEPE
      seed: bOoj41DA
      type: multiple-choice
      question: What is the meaning of ecliptic?
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: OGGWCTMLI
        - id: OGGWCTMLI
          text: The yearly apparent path of the sun around the earth.
          why: ""
        - id: OZVCO2AJV
          text: The monthly apparent path of the earth around the moon.
          why: ""
        - id: O8F7MV7BO
          text: The yearly apparent path of the moon around the earth.
          why: ""
        - id: O02GZ17OV
          text: The yearly apparent path of the earth around the sun.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: b9KqBets
      templateId: QQOHNYNG
      seed: g7UKn3LH
      type: multiple-choice
      question: The diameter of the Earth is approximately...
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: OELGWW3GD
        - id: OQHZJ1XUQ
          text: 6 350 km.
          why: ""
        - id: OHQVW6OK0
          text: 40 000 km.
          why: ""
        - id: OSO3EOAAV
          text: 18 500 km.
          why: ""
        - id: OELGWW3GD
          text: 12 700 km.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: Igt1yYfL
      templateId: QIIWOPJL
      seed: HiduCYB8
      type: multiple-choice
      question: What do you understand by "Geoid"?
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: OLGW1G99T
        - id: OFYOYYMFW
          text: It is a perfect sphere.
          why: ""
        - id: OLGW1G99T
          text: It is the irregular shape based on the surface of the oceans influenced
            only by gravity and centrifugal force.
          why: ""
        - id: OIUDCHEGC
          text: It is an ellipsoid.
          why: ""
        - id: OJG5IVDMK
          text: It is the regular shape based on the surface of the oceans influenced only
            by gravity.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: iZ5fWfot
      templateId: QKLIWVNT
      seed: L5bFEoeT
      type: multiple-choice
      question: A good approximation of the shape of the Earth is..
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: ORFE8FBYM
        - id: ORFE8FBYM
          text: an ellipsoid.
          why: ""
        - id: OKZUDXTFR
          text: a standard sphere.
          why: ""
        - id: OBAXR7ACF
          text: a true sphere.
          why: ""
        - id: OFMP8ZDLE
          text: a plane.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: X0ibh8YE
      templateId: QYIWXCIX
      seed: VCbrUK94
      type: multiple-choice
      question: An aircraft departs from point A (48°12’ N, 004°52’ E) and flies 416
        NM south to point B. From point B, aircraft flies 200 NM east to point
        C. What are the coordinates of point C?
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: OESJE9UED
        - id: OMOOHFTH7
          text: 55°08’ N, 000°58’ W
          why: ""
        - id: OESJE9UED
          text: 41°16’ N, 009°18’ E
          why: ""
        - id: OLCTG3SDF
          text: 55°08’ N, 010°42’ E
          why: ""
        - id: OASIM6QP5
          text: 41°16’ N, 008°78’ E
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: gocZBMX4
      templateId: QBZUUGVU
      seed: 26U9JF2M
      type: multiple-choice
      question: The term "Ecliptic" means the…
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: O14SY1OOU
        - id: OKSZVJMOE
          text: apparent yearly path of the Earth around the Sun.
          why: ""
        - id: O8M6PRRVN
          text: great circle on the sphere which intersects the Earth’s axis at an angle
            of 66.5°.
          why: ""
        - id: OZPD1VXBW
          text: great circle on the sphere which is perpendicular to the Earth’s axis.
          why: ""
        - id: O14SY1OOU
          text: apparent yearly path of the Sun around the Earth.
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
    - questionId: fUka3hgU
      templateId: QVMOUVKV
      seed: DdOihiji
      type: multiple-choice
      question: An aircraft circles the Earth along the parallel of 88°N at a
        groundspeed of 150 kt. If the actual time of departure from point A is
        08:25, the ETA at point A is approximately…
      annexes: []
      correctOptionId: OIUJW7GFV
        - id: OIUJW7GFV
          text: 13:25
          why: ""
        - id: OPMOLACEB
          text: 15:55
          why: ""
        - id: OWIKMD9QT
          text: 10:55
          why: ""
        - id: OL30R5TWX
          text: 14:15
          why: ""
      explanation: ""
  createdAtEpochMs: 1721135539454
  startedAtEpochMs: 1721135539683
  finishedAtEpochMs: null
  href: /modules/atpl/tests/lUzJu0j4/exam