Pure-Battlefield / gswat

The Pure Game Server Web Administration Tool
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Selecting a line (or part thereof) will cause the entire contents of the chatbox above it to be selected #55

Closed wbbarr closed 11 years ago

wbbarr commented 11 years ago

This occurs on refresh of the chat box; when selecting part of or all of a line, the entire contents of the box before the selected area will also be selected. This is most likely a function of the refresh.

EnzoMartin commented 11 years ago

Well, there's a bigger issue with that because the way it's done, since it always return a chunk of messages, we replace the entire contents, so if you try to select, and it updates, it'll kill your selection.

I think a better solution would be to change how the server returns messages and append new messages, so it only sends new messages and not past ones