PureDark / H-Viewer

An android feed reader application which fetch data with selector and regular expression.
Apache License 2.0
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自己修改了下E和EX的规则 #100

Closed miracleXL closed 5 years ago

miracleXL commented 5 years ago

JavaScript都没学过我竟然真的写出来了,不保证没BUG,勉强能用就行 E: { "categories": [ { "cid": 1, "title": "首页", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/?page\u003d{page:0}" }, { "cid": 2, "title": "同人志", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/doujinshi/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 3, "title": "漫画", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/manga/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 4, "title": "同人CG", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/artistcg/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 5, "title": "游戏CG", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/gamecg/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 6, "title": "欧美", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/western/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 7, "title": "Non-H", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/non-h/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 8, "title": "图集", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/imageset/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 9, "title": "Cosplay", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/cosplay/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 10, "title": "亚洲AV", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/asianporn/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 11, "title": "MISC", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/misc/{page:0}" } ], "disableHProxy": false, "extraRule": { "pictureRule": { "url": { "fun": "attr", "param": "src", "selector": "div.sni a img[style]" } } }, "flag": "singlePageBigPicture|repeatedThumbnail|preloadGallery", "galleryRule": { "commentRule": { "author": { "fun": "html", "selector": "div.c3 \u003e a:first-child" }, "content": { "fun": "html", "selector": "div.c6" }, "datetime": { "fun": "html", "regex": "Posted on (.*?) 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miracleXL commented 5 years ago

用没两天又改了……似乎是就把title和id的位置换了下 E: { "categories": [ { "cid": 1, "title": "首页", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/?page\u003d{page:0}" }, { "cid": 2, "title": "同人志", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/doujinshi/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 3, "title": "漫画", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/manga/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 4, "title": "同人CG", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/artistcg/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 5, "title": "游戏CG", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/gamecg/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 6, "title": "欧美", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/western/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 7, "title": "Non-H", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/non-h/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 8, "title": "图集", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/imageset/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 9, "title": "Cosplay", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/cosplay/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 10, "title": "亚洲AV", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/asianporn/{page:0}" }, { "cid": 11, "title": "MISC", "url": "https://e-hentai.org/misc/{page:0}" } ], "disableHProxy": false, "extraRule": { "pictureRule": { "url": { "fun": "attr", "param": "src", "selector": "div.sni a img[style]" } } }, "flag": "singlePageBigPicture|repeatedThumbnail|preloadGallery", "galleryRule": { "commentRule": { "author": { "fun": "html", "selector": "div.c3 \u003e a:first-child" }, "content": { "fun": "html", "selector": "div.c6" }, "datetime": { "fun": "html", "regex": "Posted on (.*?) 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