PureGero / minecraft-stress-test

Automate the stress testing of a Minecraft server network using bots
MIT License
106 stars 26 forks source link

Implement --help and -h. #16

Closed xymb-endcrystalme closed 1 month ago

xymb-endcrystalme commented 2 months ago
[xymb@archlinux target]$ java -jar minecraft-stress-test-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
Minecraft Stress Test
Usage: java [options] -jar minecraft-stress-test.jar

  -Dbot.ip=<ip>                 Set the server IP (default:
  -Dbot.port=<port>             Set the server port (default: 25565)
  -Dbot.count=<count>           Set the number of bots (default: 1)
  -Dbot.login.delay.ms=<delay>  Set the delay between bot logins in ms (default: 100)
  -Dbot.name=<name>             Set the base name for bots (default: Bot)
  -Dbot.protocol.version=<ver>  Set the protocol version (default: 767 - 1.21)
  -Dbot.x=<x>                   Set the center X coordinate (default: 0)
  -Dbot.z=<z>                   Set the center Z coordinate (default: 0)
  -Dbot.logs=<true|false>       Enable or disable bot logs (default: true)
  -Dbot.yaxis=<true|false>      Enable or disable Y-axis movement (default: true)
  -Dbot.viewdistance=<distance> Set the view distance (default: 2)
  -Dbot.speed=<speed>           Set the bot movement speed (default: 0.1)
  -Dbot.radius=<radius>         Set the movement radius (default: 1000)

Runtime Commands:
  count <number>                Change the number of bots
  speed <value>                 Change the bot movement speed
  radius <value>                Change the movement radius
  logindelay <value>            Change the delay between bot logins

  java -Dbot.ip=localhost -Dbot.port=25565 -Dbot.count=10 -jar minecraft-stress-test.jar

Full list of protocol versions can be found at https://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers