The Pure Storage PowerShell Toolkit provides a number of different cmdlets ranging from core Windows Server, WMI, WSMAN, & .NET assemblies. The intention of the toolkit is to provide a library for customers and the Pure Storage field to use in troubleshooting, FlashArray reporting & other useful scenarios.
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New-FlashArrayCapacityReport does not run due to error on 152:3 #28
PS C:\Users\dstamen> New-FlashArrayCapacityReport -EndPoint $pureendpoint -Credential $purecred -VolumeFilter 'ds3' -OutFilePath .\ -HTMLFileName Test.html
Cannot convert value ":1" to type "System.Decimal". Error: "Input string was not in a correct format."
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PureStoragePowerShellToolkit\1903.7\PureStoragePowerShellToolkit.psm1:152 char:3
i was able to modify that line to be a standard variable and it proceeded, so something in the getting of the DDR is failing. this occured in PS5,6,7 on windows 10 and windows server.
PS C:\Users\dstamen> New-FlashArrayCapacityReport -EndPoint $pureendpoint -Credential $purecred -VolumeFilter 'ds3' -OutFilePath .\ -HTMLFileName Test.html Cannot convert value ":1" to type "System.Decimal". Error: "Input string was not in a correct format." At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PureStoragePowerShellToolkit\1903.7\PureStoragePowerShellToolkit.psm1:152 char:3
i was able to modify that line to be a standard variable and it proceeded, so something in the getting of the DDR is failing. this occured in PS5,6,7 on windows 10 and windows server.