PureWeen / XamarinDispatchScheduler

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Comparison with ReactiveUI implementation RxApp.MainThreadScheduler #2

Open gsgou opened 4 years ago

gsgou commented 4 years ago

I haven't looked deep in the code to understand the core differences to ReactiveUI implementation of the cross-platform RxApp.MainThreadScheduler. I am learning and enjoying a lot Rx.Net currently. Could you maybe share some information comparing the two implementations?

softlion commented 3 years ago

This implementation works on iOS/Android. The core implementation does not.

gsgou commented 3 years ago

@softlion many thanks. I am using the RxApp.MainThreadScheduler and it seems to work as errors being not in the main thread both in Android or iOS do not occure. Are there known cases where its failing and do you have an example?