PurpleCrumpets / Hackintosh-Dell-Latitude-7390-2-in-1-OpenCore-EFI

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IR camera in Facetime #3

Open superguyadi opened 2 years ago

superguyadi commented 2 years ago

Long time. How are you doing? I finally switched to MacOS for my Dell. Everything looks good except for camera:

One more request. Can you please give a quick explanation of so many files in your ACPI folder? Why is there an APPLE folder with OC and BOOT? Thanks!

superguyadi commented 2 years ago

It works if I'm trying to map USB ports again. Can you give a quick overview of the process or the guide that you followed?

Couple mor things: -Brightness keys (Fn+Arrow Up/Down) isn't working because you have the OSID patch after XOSI patch. You may wanna reverse the order of how they load. It works for me with this fix. It also says in the Dortania guid if you wanna refer. -UPRW patch is not needed because we don't have Method 2 for UPRW in DSDT as mentioned in the Dortania guide. I have upgraded to OC 7.5 successfully and Monterey too. You'd need to add bluetoolfixup.kext for that and delete intelbluetoothinjector.kext for BT and Wifi to work. Also upgrade to the right version of Airportitlwm.kext for Monetery

superguyadi commented 2 years ago

SBUS ssdt and DTPG ssdt are redundand your SBUS ssdt contains DTPG block at the end. recommended fix: get rid of the last section in SBUS ssdt to remove redundancy