PurpleTurtleCreative / completionist

Asana integration plugin for WordPress.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Create new WordPress post from Asana task #172

Open MichelleBlanchette opened 1 year ago

MichelleBlanchette commented 1 year ago

Sometimes I create a task first in Asana for a blog or other post idea. When I do this, I often want to create a new WordPress post and then pin the Asana task to it. Yes, I can just add the WordPress site tag to the Asana task. That'll have it show up in the dashboard widget, but I want it to create a new post that it gets pinned to.

Maybe there's another clever way to do this, but I immediately imagine the workflow like this:

  1. Create task in Asana
  2. Add WordPress site tag to Asana task
  3. In the WordPress dashboard widget, find the tagged task and click a button to "Create new post".
  4. Choose a post type (page, blog post, custom post type) and submit.
  5. The new WordPress post is created with the task name as the post title and the task description as the post content. The Asana task is also automatically pinned to the new post.

I'd prefer a post type dropdown rather than opening a form modal, but I realize that can get cluttered and complicate the dashboard widget UI. I just prefer this workflow to be as streamlined as possible, which could even be accomplished via a specific Asana tag and a webhook to listen to when tasks get that tag in Asana. Honestly, that's probably the ideal workflow because it doesn't require bouncing between Asana and WordPress. It just adds more code complexity. But, hey, then that functionality would be available to extend further features.