PushpakBhoge / Face_Recognition_TF

A project to Recognise faces in photos and videos or in realtime
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drive.google #4

Open mnlvc opened 2 years ago

mnlvc commented 2 years ago

Hello! No access to google drive with the model pretrained weights

bk202 commented 2 years ago

Hi @PushpakBhoge , I'm also running into permission issues when running download_model_weights.py, can you please share the permission for downloading the model? Thanks in advance

PushpakBhoge commented 2 years ago

HI @bk202 @mnlvc I checked the drive seems like the files got deleted during recent clean-up policy of google unfortunately I did not find any backup of the weight since it was long back

you will have to download weights from the original repo extract those layer by layer and then load those in the new network refer this snippet on how to load in model. https://github.com/PushpakBhoge/Face_Recognition_TF/blob/0e6ad2d6bd0f46e8021f5a44f68cc3d164497fd2/Inference/FaceRecognizer.py#L36-L61

when you export weights layer by layer save the .npy file name them as layer names like {layer_name}.npy refer this for exporting https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43715047/how-do-i-get-the-weights-of-a-layer-in-keras

I am planning to rewrite this repository completely in 1-2 months with better code architecture, features and custom training scripts etc. so stay tuned

P.S. the current code might not work on the latest version of tensorflow

Mohit-robo commented 1 year ago

In that case could you please share the training code