Pushwoosh / pushwoosh-appcelerator-titanium

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[ERROR] : Error during registration: Bad response status code: (200, 210) #39

Closed macasfaj closed 7 years ago

macasfaj commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have a problem with simple push registration.

AppC SDK 6.0.3GA pushwoosh module 3.0.0 Xcode 8.3 iOS10.3

This is my code:

var pushwoosh = require('com.pushwoosh.module');
pushwoosh.onPushOpened(function(e) {
    var message = e.message;
    // handle push notification open here
    Ti.API.info('JS message event: ' + JSON.stringify(e));


    "application" : "XXXX-XXXXX" // I use here my real id

pushwoosh.registerForPushNotifications(function(e) {
    var pushToken = e.registrationId;
    // handle successful push registration here
    Ti.API.info('JS registration success event: ' + e.registrationId);

}, function(e) {
    var errorMessage = e.error;
    // handle push registration error here
    Ti.API.error("Error during registration: " + e.error);


I run the code directly in the iPhone, using developer certificates and I get this: [INFO] : [PW-APPC] [object ComPushwooshModuleModule] loaded [ERROR] : Error during registration: Bad response status code: (200, 210)

Any help, please?

macasfaj commented 7 years ago

It was my fault, sorry. it works perfectly:)