Pushwoosh / pushwoosh-phonegap-plugin

Pushwoosh PhoneGap Build Plugin
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used to work, now: module com.pushwoosh.plugins.pushwoosh.PushNotification not found #169

Closed javacado closed 8 years ago

javacado commented 8 years ago

Hello I am having a hair-pull-out issue. I recently rebuilt my iOS platform in my ionic/cordova project. Before this it worked beautifully.

Now, when I launch the app to a device in Xcode: In Xcode debugger I see all the normal pushwoosh API calls happening but without the APP ID, so they're all failing.

The important thing here is that the plugin seems to be trying to work

Right after those errors in the console, I get this one, which I can only see when I attach a safari console debugger to the app running on the phone: module com.pushwoosh.plugins.pushwoosh.PushNotification not found

I set my APP ID right from the start of the app with this:

var pushNotification = cordova.require("com.pushwoosh.plugins.pushwoosh.PushNotification"); pushNotification.onDeviceReady({ pw_appid: PW_APPID }); I have uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin several times. I have removed and then added the platform as well. I am at my wits end trying to figure out why this might be happening.

What other troubleshooting can I do to see what is going on?

Here's some other diagnostics.... RocketHQ:rr-app-newest laphona$ ionic -v 1.7.14

RocketHQ:rr-app-newest laphona$ cordova -v 6.0.0 RocketHQ:rr-app-newest laphona$ cordova plugin list com.cordova.plugins.sms 0.1.9 "Cordova SMS Plugin" com.unarin.cordova.beacon 3.4.0 "Proximity Beacon Plugin" cordova-plugin-app-event 1.2.0 "Application Events" cordova-plugin-bluetooth-serial 0.4.5 "Bluetooth Serial" cordova-plugin-calendar 4.4.7 "Calendar" cordova-plugin-camera 2.1.1 "Camera" cordova-plugin-console 1.0.2 "Console" cordova-plugin-device 1.1.1 "Device" cordova-plugin-file 4.1.1 "File" cordova-plugin-file-transfer 1.5.0 "File Transfer" cordova-plugin-freshdesk-mobihelp 1.1.0 "Mobihelp Plugin for Phonegap" cordova-plugin-geolocation 2.1.0 "Geolocation" cordova-plugin-google-analytics 0.8.1 "Google Universal Analytics Plugin" cordova-plugin-inappbrowser 1.3.0 "InAppBrowser" cordova-plugin-network-information 1.2.0 "Network Information" cordova-plugin-splashscreen 3.2.1 "Splashscreen" cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.2.1 "Whitelist" cordova-sqlite-storage 0.8.4-dev "Cordova sqlite storage plugin (core version)" cordova.plugins.diagnostic 2.3.13 "Diagnostic" de.appplant.cordova.plugin.local-notification 0.8.4 "LocalNotification" ionic-plugin-keyboard 2.0.1 "Keyboard" org.nypr.cordova.hockeyappplugin 0.1.0 "Device" org.nypr.cordova.nslogger-cocoalumberjack-connector-plugin 0.1.0 "Device" pushwoosh-cordova-plugin 4.2.2

shaders commented 8 years ago

To support latest version of Cordova and Ionic we had to rename plugin id to

var pushNotification = cordova.require("pushwoosh-cordova-plugin.PushNotification");

It's reflected in the docs. I'm very very sorry for the inconvenience.

javacado commented 8 years ago

Thank you!! That worked

shaders commented 8 years ago

Glad to help!

vdias38 commented 8 years ago

I've faced same issue. It's annoying because you released a PATCH (4.2.x), following semver convention, without backwards-compatibility. I think you should release a MAJOR release (5.x) to prevent this kind of issues.

shaders commented 8 years ago

@elbidone I very agree.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I could not figure out wtf this noisy little plugin was up to this release, this fixed it! So glad I came here to complain haha. BTW this was not throwing an error it just wasn't finding my app.