Pushwoosh / pushwoosh-phonegap-plugin

Pushwoosh PhoneGap Build Plugin
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Issue from Google Review #347

Closed xale76 closed 3 years ago

xale76 commented 3 years ago


Hello I've received this from Google. What's happening?

wfhm commented 3 years ago

Fixed with 8.1.1 release, please update you plugin version when submitting your app to the store.

xale76 commented 3 years ago

the problem is that this version uses AndroidX and my app fails building because uses other plugins that are incompatible with AndroidX even if they're at latest version. Is there another solution?

xale76 commented 3 years ago

more...if I build with androidX flag and also plugin android x adapter I got

C:\ProgettiAndroid\APP_USER_CORDOVA\platforms\android\app\src\main\java\com\pushwoosh\plugin\internal\PhonegapPluginProvider.java:3: error: package com.pushwoosh.internal does not exist import com.pushwoosh.internal.PluginProvider; ^

wfhm commented 3 years ago

@xale76 can you share the exact steps to reproduce the build issue?

wfhm commented 3 years ago

the problem is that this version uses AndroidX and my app fails building because uses other plugins that are incompatible with AndroidX even if they're at latest version. Is there another solution?

Our Android SDK does not use old Android Support libs anymore, so all new Cordova plugin versions will use AndroidX, and there is no way for us to release a plugin version that complies with the new Play Store policy with old Android Support libs.

guv3n commented 3 years ago

Hi @wfhm We're using pushwoosh on our app built with Cordova. After getting the same email and our app being removed, I updated the pushwoosh plugin to 8.1.1 and resubmitted our app. It got rejected again. The reasons for the first rejection were only mentionning Pushwoosh SDK code. So I guess it's still a problem with the SDK (I didn't get further information from Google..)

boredom2 commented 3 years ago

@guv3n I can confirm, that 8.1.1 solves the Issue - our App was accepted by Google without any further Issues after updating PW to 8.1.1 (and therefore, updating the android implementations to 6.2.7)

guv3n commented 3 years ago

I'm struggling to understand what causes the rejection as I didn't get any further details by email from Google. I guess I have no other choice than to contact them.

wfhm commented 3 years ago

@guv3n, Our demo application was accepted by the Store as well, so this is really strange. We have contacted Google Play developer support team as well, I will share their response here once there is any.

guv3n commented 3 years ago

To ensure I properly built my app with the updated version of the plugin I removed the Android platform from my cordova project and added it back. I then rebuilt it and sent it for review. It got rejected again. I did not have answers from Google yet. Really annoyed. Did you have more chance @wfhm ?

wfhm commented 3 years ago

@guv3n no luck so far. Can you create a support ticket at https://help.pushwoosh.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and share the APK that was rejected after updating the APK so we could check if we can find anything suspicious?

guv3n commented 3 years ago

Ticket created !

wfhm commented 3 years ago

I have checked the APK and there are no methods responsible for collecting lists of applications or packages in .dex files of the APK (the methods are listed below):



@guv3n do you mind if we continue the discussion of your case via the support ticket thread? The issue @xale76 has is a build issue so we strayed away from the original topic a little.

@xale76 were you able to resolve the build issue? If not, could you please share the list of the plugins that conflict with AndroidX libraries? What version of cordova-android is used in your project?

cmeray commented 3 years ago

Hello, we are having the same issue. We resubmitted using 8.1.1 and it got rejected. Verified the .dex files and the offending methods are no longer there. Opened a ticked with google. Waiting to hear back.

wfhm commented 3 years ago

@cmeray @guv3n @xale76

Could it be that you have APKs/AABs with the old Pushwoosh plugin versions integrated in other releases in the Google Play Console (like in alpha- or beta-testing tracks)? It looks like Expo had the same issue with Branch SDK in 2019, and, for the apps that were still rejected after updating their SDK they suggested checking the following:

  • Ensure you have put an updated apk in every release track for your app, not just the production track
  • Check to make sure you don’t have any old builds containing branch in your alpha, beta and internal tracks

Do you think it could be your case?

guv3n commented 3 years ago

I indeed had other tracks with previous versions of the app but I paused them. There's no way (or I didn't find) to delete APK from the library. Today I created new releases for these tracks to ensure the latest version of the APK is used... It's under review.. No news from Google, unsurprisingly.

guv3n commented 3 years ago

That was it ! All good 👍

wfhm commented 3 years ago

@cmeray @xale76

Any chance it is the same issue for you guys?