Pushwoosh / pushwoosh-phonegap-plugin

Pushwoosh PhoneGap Build Plugin
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WARNING ITMS-90894: “Missing Info.plist value. Apps with the com.apple.developer.usernotifications.communication entitlement must specify either ‘INSendMessageIntent’ or ‘INStartCallIntent’ in the value of the NSUserActivityTypes Info.plist key.” #359

Closed ipehimanshu closed 2 years ago

ipehimanshu commented 2 years ago


We are trying to add communication notifications per iOS 15 so we added those 2 capabilities into xcode

Communications notifications And Time sensitive notifications

But when we try to upload app to apple then it give warning like

WARNING ITMS-90894: “Missing Info.plist value. Apps with the com.apple.developer.usernotifications.communication entitlement must specify either ‘INSendMessageIntent’ or ‘INStartCallIntent’ in the value of the NSUserActivityTypes Info.plist key.”

We are using latest 8.2.2 version for pushwoosh Thanks

wfhm commented 2 years ago


The warning is actually unrelated to Pushwoosh SDK - according to the Apple docs, if you want to add communications notifications support, you should adopt SiriKit intents:

If your app supports direct communications — like phone calls and messages — you use communication notifications; for all other types of tasks, you use noncommunication notifications. To support communication notifications, you adopt SiriKit intents, which means people can use Siri to customize notification behaviors; for developer guidance, see INSendMessageIntent and UNNotificationContentProviding.

I suggest integrating communications notifications according to the guides provided by Apple. As for time-sensitive notifications, you only need to add the corresponding capability to your project, no additional actions are required.