Open ScabbersONE opened 2 years ago
@ScabbersONE Could you please provide a bit more detail on the issue? How exactly do you specify the app code and the FCM sender ID in your project?
The error was happening when we removed the version number for pushwoosh on the end of the path to include pushwoosh in our project. We went back to using 8.2.3 and now we have our old issue where we can't generate the APK file "Couldn't install the Cordova plugin pushwoosh-cordova-plugin", but IPA generates fine. We use site properties to set the values for the codes, but the app doesn't crash with the above error now that we switched back to 8.2.3.
@ScabbersONE Could you please provide a bit more detail on the Android error? When exactly does this issue appear - does it happen when you add the plugin to the project, or does it specifically happen when you try generating an APK? Is it possible to provide the entire error message?
We have talked with OutSystems support and they helped us to resolve the issue temporarily. They have said that Pushwoosh isn't supporting the use of it and firebase across different environments and that we should contact Pushwoosh to see if they can make Pushwoosh work similar to google-services. We have to create the folder "google-services" for each environment with the contents inside copied from the google-services folder for the respective environment located in our Resources tab.
@ScabbersONE the "Couldn't install the Cordova plugin pushwoosh-cordova-plugin" error means that something went wrong during the build process, or that there was an issue with one of the hooks. Could you please share your mobile apps log so we could investigate it further?
OS Support said that it was an issue with the hook. Is there somewhere I can send the log to Pushwoosh more privately. As this is a security risk sending it through a public site.
@ScabbersONE sure, you can create a support ticket via this form:
Just mention this issue in your original message so that our support team could forward the request to us.
@ScabbersONE could you please check that you have your google-services.json file added as per Outsystems integrations docs:
It should look like below:
I have done this in order to fix the issue. The problem is we have to create it for each environment specifically. We have a dev version of that file and a production version and based off of the environment it needs to change
@ScabbersONE the plugin itself can't work with multiple google-services files right now. I'm not sure if it can be handled on Outsystems side as well.
Anyway, may I ask you to describe what would be the expected plugin's behavior when you have to switch target environments?
From OS Support -- What we are looking for from Pushwoosh is to implement a mechanism that would allow us to provide a different google-services file per environment where the application is being generated ( one google-services for Dev, another for QA, Prod, etc.)
The strategy that our supported Firebase plugin uses is to prefix the folder where you add the google-services file with the APP identifier used to generate the app. More information in the documentation below: []
At compile time, instead of looking for the google-services folder like Pushwoosh does, it looks at a folder called
The suggestion would be to Pushwoosh to implement a feature to try to read a file that follows the
@ScabbersONE thanks for the suggestion, I have added the task to see if it is possible to our backlog. I will update this thread once there is any news.
This error happens when assigning the PushWooshAppCode value and GoogleProjectCode at the same time