Pushwoosh / pushwoosh-react-native-plugin

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iOS lost subscriber #147

Closed Tilenozz closed 1 year ago

Tilenozz commented 1 year ago

POST EDITED !! Hi, i'm facing this issue on IOS , that lost all subscriber when pushing a new notification ( and do nt receive any notification ). The app was pushed and tested on testfligth.

( On Android got no trobule even on simulator )

This is the situation on Ios ...

Promise : Here how init plugin:

Pushwoosh.init({ "pw_appid": XXXXX-XXXXX, "project_number": XXXXXXXXXXX, }); And here how to register :

getPushWooshToken: async function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { Pushwoosh.register( (token) => { resolve(token) }, (error) => { resolve(0) } ) }

1 Step - Register the device by Api - It work and release the token 2 Step - Check on website , and search by token...found it ..


3 Step - Send a standard notification by site - Push notification - One time Push - Done image

4 Step - Check how many devices reaches ( Statistic -> Channel ) --- 0 ( seems not work ) image

Investigatin logs , that 's result:


5 Step - check Device .... No notify received 6 Step - Re-Check user by token ---- 0 image


Can u suggest how to resolve ? If u need more info , don t esistate to contact me Thanks

Originally posted by @Tilenozz in https://github.com/Pushwoosh/pushwoosh-react-native-plugin/issues/42#issuecomment-1384694063

wfhm commented 1 year ago

@Tilenozz I've replied to you in the original ticket, but will also respond here in case someone else stumbles upon the same issue.

The most likely reason for all subscribers disappearing when you try to send a push notification is that your build is signed with a provisioning profile that does not match a push certificate uploaded in the Control Panel app configuration tab. For example, your app is signed with an Ad hoc distribution certificate for Testflight with a com.yourcompany.appname bundle ID, and you have configured your app in Pushwoosh with a development certificate, or with a certificate issued for a different bundle ID. Please contact our support team and provide them with the account details so they could assist you further without disclosing your sensitive info publicly on Github:
